Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Put on the show!

Santa decided to surprise me this year with a wonderful gift; Celine's concert DVDs: "A New Day, Live in Las Vegas" and "Celine through the eyes of the world". I wanted to watch those forever and I was glad to receive them for Christmas! :) I watched the Las Vegas show this morning and it brought me happiness and excitment, and made me feel alive!

Celine Dion: what a woman! She is such a talent to watch and listen to. I enjoyed the show and the songs. It was a pleasure to watch her perform but it was also a lesson. I observed her every breath and every move. I examined her posture, her techniques, her dynamism on stage! She has such a way of looking at the audience, a way to get to them, to excite them and incite feelings in them.

It's important to watch live performances as they teach a lot about how an artist manages to sing, dance and perform all at once without losing control over the voice and moves. This needs practice and lots of focus. I admire live performers who can put on a show, look good, sound good and feel good. The audience feels the love, the excitement, the happiness, the sadness and reacts to those emotions when the artist's involvement shows. A concert is where this mutual relationship between the artist, the dancers, the musicians and the audience amounts to an ecstasy and delirium.

What a feeling! I hope to be able to watch Celine in Vegas once she returns. Hopefully by then, I'd have contacted her for a duo! ;)

Today, I'd like to share with you an amazing song that I love for Celine and that I wanted to mention for a while. It's called "Don't Save it all for Christmas Day". Have a listen and read the lyrics. It's a song that reminds us that Christmas shouldn't be the only time of year when we give love. "Find a way to give a little love everyday".

Don't Save it All for Christmas Day Lyrics

Don't get so busy that you miss
Giving just a little kiss
To the ones you love
Don't even wait a little while
To give them just a little smile
A little is enough

How many people are crying
People are dying...
How many people are asking for love

Don't save it all for Christmas Day
Find a way
To give a little love everyday
Don't save it all for Christmas Day
Find your way
Cause holidays have come and gone
But love lives on
If you give on

How could you wait another minute
A hug is warmer when you're in it
And Baby that's a fact
And saying "I love you's" always better
Seasons, reasons, they don't matter
So don't hold back
How many people in this world
So needful in this world
How many people are praying for love

Don't save it all for Christmas Day
Find a way
To give a little love everyday
Don't save it all for Christmas Day
Find your way
Cause holidays have come and gone
But love lives on
If you give on

Let all the children know
Everywhere that they go
Their whole life long
Let them know love

Don't save it all for Christmas Day
Find a way
To give a little love everyday
Don't save it all for Christmas Day
Find your way
Cause holidays have come and gone
But love lives on
If you give on

Sunday, December 26, 2010

I wish you a Merry Christmas!!

Merry Christmas Everyone! It's just lovely to be spending this feast and season with loved ones. I had a wonderful time with my family and I hope you spent good times too. Last night, Christmas eve, was full of music, hymns, carols and songs.

I put on some classics for the likes of Frank Sinatra, Bing Crosby, Ella Fitzgerald, Nat King Cole and Elvis Presley. Then, we danced on some Christmas songs which is not a common thing I suppose but the spirit was there! hehe... We sang a lot of carols, the family, friends and I. I noticed though that my voice was getting really tired at the end of the night as I was too excited and I was singing with a lot of enthusiasm! :)

That is probably one thing a singer should be careful about. Once one knows how to sing properly, practices regularly and has control over his/her voice, he/she can sing longer, more comfortably and easily. However, one has to also have control over the emotions that rush in when singing. If one gets too emotional and lets the emotions seep in, singing will be a tedious process. One must let go and feel the music and rhythms without letting the sentimental aspect get to him/her.

Well, that's one advise on this beautiful celebration. Open your hearts, let the music and the love in and sing with all your heart to praise the Lord and thank Him for His greatest gift of all: LiFe!

I would like to ask each one of you for a small gift on this special day: send me your comments of this blog to either my email or on the blog itself and what you would like to see more of, know more about and what you would enjoy better reading and hearing.

My amazing sisters and I!

Feliz Navidad... Merry Christmas...Joyeux Noel...Milad Majid... Natale Hilare...Maligayang Pasko... Buone Feste Natalizie... Fröhliche Weihnachten...Feliz Natal...

Sunday, December 19, 2010

It's Christmas Time!

It's Christmas time! I bought a 2-disc Christmas CD that contains popular Christmas songs sang by the likes of Ella Fitzgerald, Frank Sinatra, Bing Crosby. It's so magical to be transported to a time where songs and recordings were different from today. There is a certain warmth and depth in the voice of Frank Sinatra for example that I can't feel in anyone else's voice.

I can already feel the Christmas spirit with every passing day. I am very excited as I will be spending it with my family, whom I miss so much! On Christmas eve, we have the tradition of putting Christmas songs and hymns and singing along with them. When I used to be in the AUB Choir, I used to have my music scores and I was able to sing more than just the traditional records... Now, I'll be able to join the best voices in history in praising the Lord on that special evening.

There is one song from our time that I can't but listen to during the Christmas season: All I Want for Christmas is You for Mariah Carey. Its rythm is so lively and its lyrics so expressive. Everybody wants somebody on Christmas. We all want to be with our loved ones. So, join your family and friends to celebrate the birth of our Savior, Jesus Christ and don't forget to sing along some yuletide carols...

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Andrea Bocelli... La leggenda

I'm listening to Andrea Bocelli's "Con te Partiro". What a pleasure! What an ecstasy~ How can I start to explain this man's beauty? I adore Andrea Bocelli's voice; it has so much warmth and genuiness. A lot has been said about this legend but never will it be enough.

He has such a unique way of expression. There is not a single song that I wouldn't listen to. Besides the fact that he is Italian, he effortlessly represents elegance and finesse. His language is that of romance. I appreciate his art as it has given the world so much delight, happiness and faith. He's also an incredibly handsome man in my opinion. ;) I just love his smile. Such a pure, honest smile...

I remember the evening I watched him perform in Abu Dhabi. He obviously sounded as good as always despite the windy night air but I was quite disappointed that he didn't sing "Un Amore Cosi Grande" especially that I fell in love with that song and on that song in his album "Incanto". I think it was a great idea that he compiled all these wonderful songs made famous by celebrities of another time so that they can reach us today. And I generally think it's a great idea for artists to have remakes of some of the older songs so that they may be enjoyed by the new generations.

On that note, I leave you to enjoy one of my favorite songs by Andrea Bocelli and my beloved Celine Dion: THE PRAYER

The song has incredibly well written lyrics and the delivery by both artists gives me the goosebumps. I hope this song warms your souls and makes you feel the Christmas spirit as it does to me. God bless!

The Prayer (duet With Andrea Bocelli) lyrics

(Carol Bayer Sager/David Foster)
I pray you'll be our eyes, and watch us where we go
And help us to be wise, in times when we don't know
Let this be our prayer, when we lose our way

Lead us to the place, guide us with your grace
To a place where we'll be safe

La luce che tu hai [I pray we'll find your light]
Nel cuore resterà [And hold it in our hearts.]
A ricordarci che [When stars go out each night,]
Eterna stella sei
Nella mia preghiera [Let this be our prayer]
Quanta fede c'è[When shadows fill our day]

Lead us to a place, guide us with your grace
Give us faith so we'll be safe

Sogniamo un mondo senza più violenza
Un mondo di giustizia e di speranza
Ognuno lo dia la mano al suo vicino
Simbolo di pace, di fraternità

La forza che ci dà [We ask that life be kind]
È il desiderio che [And watch us from above]
Ognuno trovi amor [We hope each soul will find]
Intorno e dentro sé [Another soul to love]

Let this be our prayer [Let this be our prayer]
Just like every child
Need to find a place, guide us with your grace
Give us faith so we'll be safe
È la fede che
Hai acceso in noi
Sento che ci salverà

Sunday, December 12, 2010

David Guetta... You're the best!

Last Thursday, I spent a really good time at the Creamfields event in Abu Dhabi. It was held on the Yas Island (where the Formula One circuit is) which has been used as a venue for many international artists' performances. The place was crowded although there was space for more people to be present.

A lot of DJs performed, among which were MadJam (I didn't know he was Lebanese until that night), Dizzee Rascal (who played a song to make sure we don't forget his F***IN name), and AfroJack (who put on a good show and did a good job in keeping people entertained before David Guetta showed up). I was very surprised as to how free the artists and DJs were in their choice of words and music. The F word was everywhere in addition to a lot of foul language. People were enjoying it but it just surprised me how some scenes in the movies are cut and this was allowed in a public event.

So, David Guetta was extremely late that a lot of people got impatient, left the event, wouldn't stop swearing, and shouted out to Guetta. Finally, at 5 a.m. in the morning, David Guetta showed up. He apparently came straight from a 30 hour flight from LA. He apologized and put on a great show as usual. I was disappointed though that he didn't play ONE LOVE. The screen just lit up with the words "ONE LOVE, DAVID GUETTA" and that was it. He left. No encore. Nothing. He disappeared. And people just left as I assume nobody could stand on his/her feet at 6 a.m. I really wanted him to come back and play one more song. But he didn't, even after I shouted out to him! :)

So, despite the disappointment and the wait, I'd like to express my admiration and appreciation to the music that David Guetta is creating, composing, producing, and collaborating with other artists on. I think he's the number one DJ. I would also like to say how much I'd like to collaborate with him myself. ;)  I'll be working on it. Dreams come true.



Sunday, December 5, 2010

Feelings ... for Greatness

It's intriguing how certain emotions and incidents that a person experiences can turn into forms of expression. It's impressive how pain... suffering... joy... memories... birth... death can cause one to write, compose music, sing, paint and come out with a piece of art.

As humans, we are emotional beings who act and react to what happens to us or around us. It always amazes me how some moments are divine and irreversible. For example, I wrote a song a while ago when I was in a certain state and it came to me like a thunderbolt. I wasn't too focused on what I was communicating but I read the words a few days later and I had fascinating lyrics jotted down. Sometimes, it seems to me that we are given the inspiration through a state of mind or a state of being. As if one's misery, pain or joy is a stimulant for better expression.

Obviously, this is true and a lot of great poets, painters, singers, composers and artists in general offered the world extraordinary masterpieces because of a mental or emotional state they were in. We are witnesses today of how their work contributed greatly to the world and impacted societies and individuals all over the globe. It's seemingly hard to tell whether one's state will lead him/her to reveal something as great as a symphony by Bach but I am certain that a genuine work of art that reflects the depths of a person's feelings and thoughts will be appreciated and will impact people, whether that is one person or many people.

Every individual makes a huge difference on earth. Nobody is a bystander... even if they think they are. We are all affected by one another. That can easily be noticed when a person passes away or a child is born. A lot of things change for a lot of people. Emotions that were never felt before surface and move us. The way of the world is bewildering sometimes. I can't help but notice...

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Rolling Stone Middle East

Last weekend, I went to Virgin Megastore to search for a book. As I was about to leave, I noticed a certain Rolling Stone magazine at the cashier. I picked one up and I was sure that it was the Rolling Stone magazine, not a flyer or ad. I stood in line to buy it! :)

It turns out it's the first issue of the "Middle East Rolling Stone". I had noticed a stand at Virgin Megastore a month ago but I didn't quite understand what it was for. Apparently, the magazine is now customized. It brings the foreign/Hollywood news and at the same time covers some local events and regional news about music and artists. I found it to be a cool idea.

What I loved most was the "Editor's Notes". The title of the note is Music Matters. The editor, Adam Grundey, expresses his thoughts about how music is perceived in the Middle East and how he thinks it should take more importance in people's lives. He says that music is an "after-thought", "background noise" when it should be part of our society. For music lovers, it's a sad fact but we have the chance to change that and give people a taste of what exactly music does to life. Grundey says: "It's our hope that ROLLING STONE MIDDLE EAST will be the catalyst for increased awareness in the region of the value of music to society, whether it be - as Hugo suggested - an outlet for emotions that otherwise have no outlet, a source of consolation in troubled times, a way of bringing together people from diverse cultures and traditions, or just an excuse to have a blast." Well said! ;) I know this is free publicity for the magazine, but hey, who doesn't like the Rolling Stone!

Now put on some music and enjoy ~

Thursday, November 25, 2010

My favorite instrument: the elegant piano

My favorite instrument is the piano. When I listen to someone playing the piano, I get the goosebumps and sometimes, it even makes me cry. That is because it was always my intention to learn how to play the piano but I never had the chance to complete the necessary courses to play properly. I have learned the piano twice in my life and I have stopped at some point. I now own a keyboard and am learning on my own, which is the hardest way but nonetheless a way for a person with a strong will.

The difficulty lies in the techniques used to learn how to memorize the notes on the music sheet and on the piano and never forget them. I reckon the best way is to practice every day and be committed. Every person seems to have a way in which to visualise which notes lie where on the scale and on the piano at once. It mustn't be hard but one must never forget to practice as the exercise will refresh the memory and make the thought clearer in the mind.

It is not hard to play an instrument as long as one has the time, patience and will to learn and invest in this passion. The result of this hard work is surely rewarding as one will better enjoy the beauty of music whether alone or with others. Playing an instrument is an art in which one expresses his/her joys, pains, love, anger, and a multitude of feelings that others also feel and enjoy listening to.

Music is a universal language that makes the world seem bright when it is dark, pretty when it gets ugly, light when its weight becomes heavy, simple when it looks complicated. Everything becomes more agreeable with music. To me, the piano is that one instrument that soothes all stresses and pains. It has such a delightful sound that makes one wonder, wander and get lost in space and time. I'd very much like to some day own a white grand piano. It's a pleasure to look at, I'm sure it must be amazing to play on it!

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Lebnan: ya ot3it sama (Lebanon, oh piece of heaven)

I just came back from a trip to Lebanon. Lebanon is always great to visit. There's so much life in this country! Everyone should visit at least once. Anyway, you won't need more to get hooked and keep coming back. Take a look at all the countries that want a piece of it! I don't want to get political but the situation speaks for itself.

So, when I was there, I got the chance to meet a wonderful lady, Aline Aoun, a woman who lived her life through music, with music and from music. I took a few vocal lessons with her and it made a big difference. She taught me a very essential thing that I knew but never understood. It's actually pretty hard to teach  singing techniques, I realized. One should sing using the diaphragm. That's something I've always heard and been told but never knew how to actually master. When I sang to her, she noticed something very important. I was using all the energy I had to come out with the words and sustain them. My veins were popping out!

She literally gave me a mirror to look at my throat and at that moment, I got it. Something as simple as a demonstration makes a big difference. She took the time to familiarize me with the function of my lungs, my diaphragm, my chest; how the air was coming in and going out (a normal process that I use to stay alive!) So, take the time to feel your body move with the air that is flowing through it. I also learned a few exercises that are used in yoga. As a matter of fact, breathing exercises are used in more than just singing lessons ;) They are a good way of maintaining balance.

Apparently, a lot of people sing very well but eventually lose their voices because they don't know how to sing properly. It's important to pay attention to the details in music or else one will not entirely appreciate its beauty and grandeur! The surface is beautiful but what lies in the core is often magnificent.

When I was in Lebanon, I would go walking every morning in the neighborhood I live in and I would feel the sun on my skin and the wind in my face. Then I'd get to an altitude and look at the spectacular landscape of mountains surrounding me. There, I would do my vocal exercises. It's so refreshing and energizing to be in a natural place and experience this feeling of comfort and peace. PEACE!

Peace be with you Lebanon on that day of independence and every day! Happy Independence Day dear country and countrymen. Preserve this piece of heaven.

Today's song: Lebnan, ya ot3it sama. Listen to the song on youtube: or

Lebanese Flag

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Healthy Competition?

It's amazing how competitive people become in the fine arts; whether we are looking at music, photography, painting, etc. I do not understand why it has to be a constant competition among the artists since everyone has something special to present. The field looks more like an unbalanced sumo tourmanent than a healthy competition.

It always strikes me as a surprise when I meet people who speak so highly of one artist but try to put another down. It does not make sense to me and it makes me think how limited and narrow-minded these people are. And so many are! The beauty of life on earth is that every individual is unique and has the ability to give something special and different to share with the rest of the world. That is how societies develop and people are interconnected.

It's when a person works on what God gave him/her as a gift and shares it with others that the true meaning of life manifests itself. Everyone has a talent that needs to be developed and worked upon. It's enough to have to work on that for a lifetime!

There is no need to break others to make yourself look good. A job well done can be seen even miles away... So, as long as one has something beautiful and original to offer people, there is no need to sacrifice him/her on any alters. Healthy competition that encourages others to give their best is favorable and essential. However, I'd rather have the haters keep their bad intentions, jealousy, envy and spite to themselves.

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

\ Music Industry: A Spider Web /

It's heartbreaking to realise that something as beautiful as singing is part of an industry as corrupt as the one present nowadays. The music industry is a mystery to many as it is not a field all people consider entering. Most people study business, engineering, law, biology, etc. and search for jobs that bring in a stable income that allows them to live a decent life. Many societies encourage their people to express themselves and give them the chance to sing, compose music, form bands and succeed in the music industry. Unfortunately, the one I am in is not very approving and encouraging.

There are a lot of difficulties to becoming a singer/performer because of all the "mysteries" of the industry that you have to discover and learn about and all the complexities you have to understand and overcome. The process is not easy, not fast, not enjoyable! For example, did you know the conditions in a contract with a record label?  If not then start asking and searching for an answer to that question. What about all the other questions you still have to ask? e.g.: Where do I start? How do I produce my own CD? Where do I record my music? Who do I speak to in order to distribute my music? Do radios play music for free or should one pay them? The list is long and the answers, not obvious.

Besides all the stress that comes from thinking about all those matters, one has to be very tolerant to criticism and people's "talks". The impression that people outside the music industry have about those inside it is mostly notorious. Artists sometimes do things that are not approved by people as they often like to come out with new and provocative ideas. As artists are mostly in the public eye, they are harshly criticized, vigorously examined and brutally judged upon. If only people knew what they went through to get there, how much they work to stay there, and what burdens they bear.

My aim is to enlighten others to certain realities that people who are not directly interested in music/singing take for granted. I believe in the goodness of people, the power of each individual and the WILL that finds a way to manifest one's dreams. What I mean to say is that you should take things in your own hands, practice, read, ask questions, open your eyes, give yourself time, have patience, try as many things as possible, and give yourself every chance to become who you want to be. The internet is a very prominent tool that is empowering individuals. So today, remember that you have the power of change, at least to change your own life. The rest will come to you with hard work, persistence and a lot of patience.

As I thought of all these things, a dark cloud filled my mind. Having seen me in a troubled mood, my hero, my mom gave me her words of wisdom: "Everything is around you!" And I clicked! Of course, everything IS around me. I just need to use what I need of "everything" and mold it into "something" that is mine. ;)

That's my advice for you today.

Monday, November 8, 2010

Wedding Performance: "Because you loved me"

Don't you love weddings? I think it's amazing to watch two people get married. What a conviction they must have! :) I don't know about other religions but in Christianity, some verses are read during a wedding ceremony in church and I always feel like I want to get married too! It sounds like such a great adventure (much to the disagreement of  actually married people :)

What about wedding receptions? It's always fun and exciting to see what performances are going to take place, what song are the bride and groom going to dance on, what food is going to be presented? I once sang at a wedding, my cousin's (Sabine's) wedding. Sabine, I send you all my love girl! I remember very well how we prepared for the song before the wedding and how I used to practice in front of her so that she's sure I can sing it, especially that it was going to be the song of the first dance!

 I was young and I had been told several times that I had a beautiful voice by people. It was definitely an experience. I went to the location of the wedding a bit early and I practiced on the stage. A very well known violinist, Jihad Akl, was to be present at the reception and perform. He was to also play the music of the song "Because you loved me" live while I was performing. I was so nervous because I hadn't practiced with him previously.

I had a couple of champagne glasses before the performance and anyone who sings knows how bad drinking  alcohol is for someone who is about to perform!! My throat was dry! So, the time came and I went up to sing. It was very hard to listen to the background music and follow the violin at the same time, especially that we were outdoors. At the beginning, I felt a bit uncomfortable but I ended up performing to the best of my ability. I did well. I thought I could do much better, but I guess that's normal! (Self-critisicm)

A small advice to anyone who is to perform with a live band: Practice with the band/musician before the actual act as you need to make sure you are comfortable with the pace, the loudness of the music, and that you are still able to hear yourself.

I wish I could share the video of the peformance with you but I do not hold a copy of it currently. Maybe on another occassion. I do have pictures though. :)

Monday, November 1, 2010

"S'il Sufisait D'aimer" sang by ME

Today is the 1st of November. I can't believe how quickly the year passed by! It must have been a good one... Well, I wouldn't complain but I hope the coming year brings even more challenges and fulfills more ambitions.

Here's an achievement of mine: a recording I would like to share with you called "S'il Suffisait d'aimer" for my favorite singer Celine Dion. It was not easy to record it. I noticed after several recording trials that French songs have their own specificity and need specific training exercises. The words sound different from English or Spanish. There is an intensity that certain words need and ways to end a phrase or repeat another.

I'm glad to share this song with you today (I know you've been waiting)... A beautiful French song that makes us think of a world where it's enough to just love.

Listen to it on

Sunday, October 31, 2010

Sex Sells! No wonder...

Sex sells... a fact of life. Why? Well, why not? Everybody talks about it, everybody wants it, everybody thinks it! But songs are prime in delivering. How many songs have you heard that mentioned sex, spoke about it, were dedicated to it, described it, made you feel like doing it... If it's not about love, it's about sex.

Take a look at some of the famous songs from Sex Bomb for Tom Jones to Sexy Back for Justin Timberlake. There is so much that can make a song a hit; sometimes it's the rhythm, sometimes the words, sometimes how bizarre and ridiculous and shocking it is like Candy Shop for 50 Cent. There is probably no artist or band that hasn't sang a song about sex. It amazes me when I reflect on that. Here are some songs, to name a few: Naughty Girl (Beyonce), Like a Virgin (Madonna), Promiscuous (Nelly Furtado), Sensual Seduction (Snoop Dogg), Smack That (Akon), Animals (Nickelback). Have you read the lyrics of those songs?

Just by hearing the word sex or implying that you're talking about it in a song gets people's attention! I bet I will get the most hits and visits on this article just from its name... Cool, so most people make a living from selling the idea of sex because other people keep wanting more. This isn't just in music but also in ads, on sites, and everywhere you go. Music is as powerful as media if not more powerful.

So, if music makes the world go round, then is sex A reason why? I'd rather not take it to an extreme. I believe in good content but people these days adopt a lot of strange and brainless songs, which makes me think of the taste of the new generation especially. Is it the industry that's creating those songs for the mass to adopt or is it the mass asking for them QUESTION MARK (?)

Saturday, October 30, 2010

The Charts!

Today, I cut my hair. The exciting part is I did it myself!! Yep. It might be a normal occurance for some people but girls tend to usually care a lot for their hair and cut it at a hairdresser. I have always done that. But I've been bothered by it for a while as it has become really long so I decided to trim it a bit myself. Turned out just fine! It was just a crazy and fun first-time experience for me!

On another note, more related to music than hair care, I have the results of the poll that has been on my site for a month now concerning what is your favorite type of music. I have received very modest participation from everyone visiting the site. At any rate, thanks for those who participated and I hope I'll get more enthusiastic browsers next time.

So, the results of the poll came as follows:

Number 1: Latino and Jazz/Blues had the same pecentage. I'm glad Latino made it to number 1 as I love listening to this music. I also expected that Jazz would make it to the top of the list.

Number 2: Trance/Other - some people probably got mad for not finding their favorite type of music mentioned!

Number 3: R'n'B - I think it's one of the popular types of music.

Number 4: Pop, Rock and Alternative all got the same pecentage. I thought Rock would do much better as it's an old genre that the young and older generation connect with.

Number 5: Country

Number 6: Hip Hop and Rap. I didn't get any votes on those.

Share your thoughts on the above and vote on my new poll!

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

I got my eyes on you...

During the wekend, I had a mini photo shoot whereby my boyfriend was the photographer. He’s a very talented person; a self-taught photographer.
The session was focused on only taking pictures of the eyes. It was time-consuming and required a lot of patience. First, the style of the make-up had to be defined then the actual implementation had to take place. Afterwards, we had to choose a location that was well-lit and clear from clutter. Then, some shots had to be taken as proofs to make sure that the light, position, angles, reflections, etc. were all correct.
I kept thinking of how the model should have a lot of patience and must be ready to pose for long periods of time as this is exactly what I did. I had previously posed as a model 3 or 4 times (not for fashion rather for friends’ projects and a TV program), however, I forgot how demanding and exhausting it was.

One of the pictures I took the liberty to personally modify. Hope you like it! ;)

And I guess everything requires such effort, especially singing. First, there is nothing as time-consuming as singing. It needs patience, focus and a lot of time as one has to keep practising for hours every single day. Second, wanting to sing makes one worry about not getting sick and always being cautious not to have throat aches. One becomes more aware of his/her health condition. Third, in singing, one has to think of how to constantly better his/her vocals to come out with better sounds and cool rhythms. Fourth, to sing is to have control over the voice, which is probably the hardest part, in my opinion. I could go on forever.
The point is: Singing is not just a voice on a CD, a famous artist on TV and in pictures in magazines. It takes a lot of personal effort to better oneself and come up with all those fabulous songs that we put on our ipods, on our laptops, in our cars, in our homes, etc.
It's amazing to sing. Try it at home. Try it even if you are not interesting in singing for an audience ever. Try an easy song and try a hard one; see the difference in your voice and if you can make it sound good. Do something new and exciting. It's a good feeling, even if you get the notes wrong. SING AWAY... Enjoy!

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

A live performance

To begin with, I would like to ask more of you to vote on the poll in the left-hand sidebar. It takes a second and I'm only asking what is your favorite music! Are you not interested to know the results yourselves?!

On another note, yesterday I was at a restaurant, Belgian Cafe, well known for its Belgian fries and beers. So, I was having dinner and it turned out that on Tuesdays a young guy sings there. He had a keyboard on a stand where he played some songs and background music. He also had a guitar that he would use for some other songs. He even had a harmonica attached to a head band so that he could play on his keyboard and on it at the same time! On top of all this, he had to sing... I found that very challenging and very inspiring.

This guy, English I reckon, is a multi-talented person and he was performing outside in the warm,humid weather to people who were having dinner. Many clapped at the end of each song but a lot of others didn't. It's always interesting to me to see the reaction of people towards a person performing. I definitely would find it rude not to show the performer that you respect his/her music and show, however in dinners it's hard to catch all people's attention especially when they are having drinks and chatting.

It was interesting watching this guy perform live. I noticed his breathing, his vocals, his posture, his attention to several things at the same time. It was fun and motivating.

Oh and today I recorded two amazing songs that I will share with you soon. I'll keep those as a surprise! ;)

Sunday, October 17, 2010

My New Blog

If you are following my blog, you will know that I have been having a problem in uploading the songs that I am recording. In addition to it being a big process for me, you can only listen to the song if you have a Quicktime player. It took me a while to figure out what is the best solution and I went crazy over having to change my blog to one that accepts me to upload music files!

So, after a lot of reflection, mad moments, and trials of many blog sites, I have decided to use Tumblr. To be completely honest, Blogger provides everything one needs and is extremely user friendly. I love it. However, how am I supposed to share my music with you if I can't upload it?! I tried Wordpress which made me want to crash the computer and never use the internet in my life again... The truth is I couldn't find a decent theme!

Anyway, going back to the point, I have opened a new blog with the following URL: I will keep posting on Blogger as it is still my favourite blog site, but you will be able to listen to the songs on tumblr when I post them.

I have also transferred all my previous posts to Tumblr so all of them are documented there. Let me know what you think and if you have any suggestions that might solve my "issue".

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

AUB CHOIR...You hold a dear place in my heart!

During my university years, I was busy studying for my bachelor's degree in Business Administration and the program at the American University of Beirut (AUB) was tough so I had to keep focused on my studies. So, I couldn't exactly include singing as part of my routine. However, I never stopped singing! I practiced at home mostly but I also had the great opportunity of joining the AUB Choir.

The AUB Choir is one of the best choirs in Lebanon in addition to the National Choir of the Lebanese Conservatoire, which the Lebanese take pride in. The AUB Choir holds 2 concerts during the year, the Christmas Concert, which is very popular and the Easter Concert. The choir also participates in the university events like graduation and special gatherings.

On Christmas, the choir holds the most amazing concert to attend. It makes you feel and live the Christmas spirit. The entrance is for free and people from all over the country gather to watch and listen the voices of the talented and trained students.

We used to train all semester on the songs and hymns of the concert. We took things very seriously, especially under the direction of Paul Meers who was a great conductor and teacher. I would like to extend my warmest regards to all those who stood with me on that stage and shared those beautiful moments of exhilaration. I spent 3 years in the university choir, which is as much as I spent at university overall! :)

I have learned a lot about singing, sharing, and harmonizing when I was part of this lovely group. I understood with time the meaning of this collaboration and union. All those voices mingled and created a singularity. One could hear it and feel it. I suppose a lot of people consider it to be a boring form of music and singing but once one starts to appreciate the harmony of the individualities, then one would want to listen to more and get drunk to the melodies.

I consider the choir to have been an important phase of my life as it has impacted me positively in many ways. I am glad to have experienced this and been a part of this talented, artistic ensemble. If you ever have the chance to go and watch the AUB choir live on Christmas, do not think twice. You will be amazed! ( Go early to find places ;)

The AUB Choir performing

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Mi cancion espanola!

Today, I am more than pleased to be able to share with you the song I have recently recorded: Amor A La Mexicana. I have spoken about it for a while now and finally here it is for everyone to hear!!! :)

Amor A La Mexicana by Maya Mady.mp3

(The song can only be heard if you have quicktime player. Sorry for the inconvenience. I am searching for a way to better post the songs!)
You can now listen to the song on the following link:

Do not hesitate to let me know your thoughts and comments. PEACE ~

Me, focused in the recording studio

Serious moment...

Happy moment

Friday, October 8, 2010

John Lennon, Happy Birthday!

Today I was logging on the internet as I do everyday and since Google is my homepage, I saw some new graphics on the name Google like it sometimes appears on certain occassions. Well, turns out it's the 70th Birthday of John Lennon. This man is a legend along with the Beatles as a group.

I do not know much besides what is said about this courageous singer/songwriter/ peace activist; but I respect his cause. So, I pray that he may rest in peace and together, let us remember him with one of his most controversial and famous songs "Imagine":

Imagine there's no Heaven
It's easy if you try
No hell below us
Above us only sky
Imagine all the people
Living for today

Imagine there's no countries
It isn't hard to do
Nothing to kill or die for
And no religion too
Imagine all the people
Living life in peace

You may say that I'm a dreamer
But I'm not the only one

 I hope someday you'll join us
And the world will be as one

Imagine no possessions
I wonder if you can
No need for greed or hunger
A brotherhood of man
Imagine all the people
Sharing all the world

You may say that I'm a dreamer
But I'm not the only one
I hope someday you'll join us
And the world will live as one

Youtube link to John's live performance of "Imagine":

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Tennis: a good breathing exercise

I was once singing in the presence of my sister and my friends and when I stopped for a while, my friend told me: "Your nose is red. You are not breathing." I tried singing a bit to check what I was doing wrong. I truly wasn't breathing comfortably. I have no idea how this happened. I obviously was breathing or else I couldn't be singing but I was not doing it at the right time and I was not taking in enough air. In fact, sometimes I feel I am not comfortable breathing generally.

I think that one reason for that is the air condition that dries up one's throat. I always sleep with the air condition on or else I would suffocate considering I live in Dubai! I am exposed to the air condition in the office which chills me to the bones and everywhere I go (malls, cars, nightclubs, stores, supermarkets...) This is very unhealthy but a state I have to endure.

So, recently I was learning to play tennis and I realized that it's a perfect breathing exercise. When you hit the ball, you need energy in your arm, so you hold your breathe for a moment before you release. When you serve, you basically do the same. Hold your breath, focus, hit, exhale... There's also a lot of running to be done as you follow the ball on the court. This sport needs a lot of endurance and stamina, focus and determination, elegance and descipline! An amazing combination. And you need to breathe ~ WOW.

From that day forward, I never "forgot" to breathe again. I am so aware of my breathing now even throughout the day. So, if you are sportive or would like to learn a sport or simply are looking for a breathing exercise, try tennis! ;)

Roger Federer in play - point of contact with the ball - notice him holding his breath

Monday, October 4, 2010

Amor A La Mexicana once again...

Today, I'm so excited! I just came back from the studio where I recorded a marvelous song in Spanish, "Amor a la Mexicana" - originally performed by Mexican Thalia!!! Yes, the same song I performed once at school with the Sombrero and all!

You can not imagine how wonderful it feels to be able to come out with something that sounds good and feels good. When I thought that I was going to record, I felt butterflies in my stomach all day.
I went prepared. I had my lyrics and my music. I was fresh and full of excitement. It took several takes but I was doing well and everytime would be a better version! :) I noticed at the end that although I'm not yet perfect, I've become much better! And this is what counts. Keep that in mind in everyhing that you do. The better you become, the more you realize that you have come a long way and acheived something. However, for me, it is also by seeking perfection that I become better.

I'm so happy...

I truly hope that one day I will be able to give you joy and pleasure with my songs, my performances, my voice! A voice is precious. Remember to use yours as it is much needed in our world today. ;)

P.S.: The song will be posted soon on my blog exclusively. Stay tuned...

Saturday, October 2, 2010

Shakira Shakira!

I was told by my younger sister, Paloma, to listen to Shakira's new song by the name "Loca". I tried to find it on youtube but I couldn't get the entire song. I could see clips of Shakira on the street with people. The entire song and clip were not available! What I saw were teasers and many shots taken by people via their cell phones and cameras live on the set and posted on youtube.

I loved the idea of the clip; that Shakira was shooting among people for all to see, record and report! I thought it was a very creative idea. However, the song itself did not sound great in my opinion... Shakira was extremely sexy and barely dressed. Obviously her dancing was provocative and she succeeds in impressing in the clip. What I like about Shakira though is her voice and accent; besides the fact that she is Lebanese! ;) .... Oh and half Columbian. There's no doubt she's an amazing woman, singer and performer.

So, if you manage to find the clip somewhere, let me know. I'm sure you guys should know where to find it. ;) In the meantime, here's the link to the song without the clip:

A picture from the set of the clip! SEXY!

Thursday, September 30, 2010

Some performances

To continue building up my portfolio and getting you to know me more, I will share with you today pictures of two performances I have done during my school years.

The first was at the school talent day where I sang with my sister Nayana, "Awesome God", a Christian contemporary song I discovered on a CD that was a tribute to Rich Mullins. My cousin Sabine, who lives in the United States, was in Lebanon for Christmas and she gathered us to make a chorus and sing "Awesome God" with her as it was a beautiful hymn!

On another talent day at school, I sang the famous "FAME" song and it was an amazing experience. As I went on stage, I performed a cartwheel and I took the microphone from the ground and started singing. Of course, I moved a lot as I had also choreographed a small performance with mom and sis at home! :)
As the song was finishing and the chorus shouted out the last "FAME", I did a split and the audience went crazy!!! I loved it... The audience loved it... I was happy to make them happy. The background of my aerobics moves goes back to my young years at school. I loved aeorbics class and I learned a lot including the cartwheel but the split, I did that on my own! ;) And it hurt like hell every day until I finally succeeded in doing it.

So, that's my story. Share yours with me!

Monday, September 27, 2010

The Power of Uploading

I am reading this remarkable book called “The World is Flat”. I know that sounds like an advertisement but I am immersed in it and I am loving to read it as it provides information about how our world has evolved in very radical ways through stages and today, the world has become flat! You are probably wondering what that has to do with my ‘singing’ blog!

There was a chapter in the book about uploading. I didn’t notice that it was called "Uploading" until I reached the end of the chapter where the author, Thomas Friedman, says “There is no better description of the allure of uploading –as opposed to just downloading.” And it’s so true! I was thinking about how music can be uploaded and downloaded for free on the internet that anyone can have any song any time without having to even pay for it as a matter of people sharing music files by uploading them.

I would like to clarify that my opinion on the latter is as follows: I absolutely disagree with people not having to pay for the hard work of others in putting together lyrics, music, and vocals and having to experiment what the best outcome is for the audience to like a song. This is an effort that takes time, patience, discipline, investment, knowledge, and talent and it must be rewarded and appreciated.

However, the thought that remained in my mind and that I would like to speak about is the power of uploading! The book spoke of the free software that is being created by groups of geeks/ scientists/ computer freaks and that is distributed for free to the community. The reason they do that is not just to compete with the big firms that charge money but for the pleasure and satisfaction of seeing their work being used and shared and loved by others. They are glad to be part of the process of CREATION!

I could connect with that when I thought of my first recording that I shared with you on my last post. First of all, I was exhilarated to record it. Second, I was excited to show it to my close surrounding and hear the feedback. Finally, I was thrilled to be able to make it available for everyone to hear on the internet! THE POWER OF UPLOADING. ;)

Also, in that framework, I would like to say that I observed the reaction of people visiting my blog and it seems like they (YOU) are not very interactive. However, I would like to point out that the direction of the world IS shifting towards the other direction. Interaction, sharing, coordination and synchronization are key in our world today and are the way forward. You will not believe it if you know how business is being conducted in all corners of the world 24 hours a day of EVERY time zone. So, we have an infinite steam where people are constantly working between their days and other people’s nights! It’s simply stimulating!

Can you imagine that a musician can be composing music in the US, a lyricist can be writing the lyrics in Europe and the artist can be recording the song in the Middle East? That involves so many people working on different time zones and collaborating together to come out with one output that will eventually reach the rest of the world. Now apply that to all the domains of business present in the world and enjoy looking at the FLAT WORLD! ;)

Friday, September 24, 2010

Foolish Games sang by "moi"!

Today, I will be posting the song "Foolish Games" that I sang on my first recording!!! I'm so excited because only a few people in the circle of my close friends and family members heard it. They loved it and I would like to know what you think. :)

Foolish Games - Maya Mady.mp3

(The sound clip can only be heard if you have a Quicktime player. I have struggled to find another way of posting the song, but the format is not accepted on this blog. Sorry for the inconvenience.)

You can now log on to listen to the song.

Last night, I went out clubbing and Erick Morillo (International DJ) was in the club, pumping it up! I just remembered that I attended the VOODOO NIGHTS in PACHA Ibiza this summer where he was performing!

Me in Pacha - Ibiza attending Voodoo Nights by Eric Morillo

I like this type of music although it has no lyrics in it. I react to the music and my body moves... Music is really "under my skin" and sometimes I wonder why not all people feel it too! I guess God has blessed me with more than I can ask for. :)

So, this weekend put on your dancing shoes and go out have fun! Life is too short to worry or be lazy... Verdad?! ;)

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Experience Recording

I was listening to the first song I recorded. The first time I had my voice recorded in a studio, I was sick and I had a cold but I sang anyway. I was too excited to hold back. :)

My choice of song was "Foolish Games" for Jewel. I love songs that show the capacity of the voice but that are also expressive. I don't think one can be an artist and enjoy singing without actually feeling the lyrics or expressing something through the song. So, I came out happy with the fact that I had just recorded a song that turned out to be ok despite the nasal voice!! It was a dream come true... Joy in its purest form! I felt I wanted to stay in this room behind the glass all my life and sing as many times as possible until I had no more energy to stand on my feet. Ecstasy!

For the second recording, I chose a very hard song: "At Last". A blues song which I had trained on. My voice was well trained for the two previous months and I could hear the improvement by then. However, recording is not easy. It doesn't make it easier on you; it makes it much harder as every single sound and vibration that comes out of your mouth can be heard and tracked down!

There are computer programs that the voice is recorded on and then the pieces of the song would be put together for the best parts to be joined together. It's amazing how technology has advanced and what we can do now with the use of the computer programs. It's definitely an experience to try and have fun with. You will realize a lot of things and learn more than you expected! It's also good to listen to your recordings again as you will be able to spot the mistakes and know where to improve next time. ;)