Tuesday, November 16, 2010

\ Music Industry: A Spider Web /

It's heartbreaking to realise that something as beautiful as singing is part of an industry as corrupt as the one present nowadays. The music industry is a mystery to many as it is not a field all people consider entering. Most people study business, engineering, law, biology, etc. and search for jobs that bring in a stable income that allows them to live a decent life. Many societies encourage their people to express themselves and give them the chance to sing, compose music, form bands and succeed in the music industry. Unfortunately, the one I am in is not very approving and encouraging.

There are a lot of difficulties to becoming a singer/performer because of all the "mysteries" of the industry that you have to discover and learn about and all the complexities you have to understand and overcome. The process is not easy, not fast, not enjoyable! For example, did you know the conditions in a contract with a record label?  If not then start asking and searching for an answer to that question. What about all the other questions you still have to ask? e.g.: Where do I start? How do I produce my own CD? Where do I record my music? Who do I speak to in order to distribute my music? Do radios play music for free or should one pay them? The list is long and the answers, not obvious.

Besides all the stress that comes from thinking about all those matters, one has to be very tolerant to criticism and people's "talks". The impression that people outside the music industry have about those inside it is mostly notorious. Artists sometimes do things that are not approved by people as they often like to come out with new and provocative ideas. As artists are mostly in the public eye, they are harshly criticized, vigorously examined and brutally judged upon. If only people knew what they went through to get there, how much they work to stay there, and what burdens they bear.

My aim is to enlighten others to certain realities that people who are not directly interested in music/singing take for granted. I believe in the goodness of people, the power of each individual and the WILL that finds a way to manifest one's dreams. What I mean to say is that you should take things in your own hands, practice, read, ask questions, open your eyes, give yourself time, have patience, try as many things as possible, and give yourself every chance to become who you want to be. The internet is a very prominent tool that is empowering individuals. So today, remember that you have the power of change, at least to change your own life. The rest will come to you with hard work, persistence and a lot of patience.

As I thought of all these things, a dark cloud filled my mind. Having seen me in a troubled mood, my hero, my mom gave me her words of wisdom: "Everything is around you!" And I clicked! Of course, everything IS around me. I just need to use what I need of "everything" and mold it into "something" that is mine. ;)

That's my advice for you today.

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