Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Rolling Stone Middle East

Last weekend, I went to Virgin Megastore to search for a book. As I was about to leave, I noticed a certain Rolling Stone magazine at the cashier. I picked one up and I was sure that it was the Rolling Stone magazine, not a flyer or ad. I stood in line to buy it! :)

It turns out it's the first issue of the "Middle East Rolling Stone". I had noticed a stand at Virgin Megastore a month ago but I didn't quite understand what it was for. Apparently, the magazine is now customized. It brings the foreign/Hollywood news and at the same time covers some local events and regional news about music and artists. I found it to be a cool idea.

What I loved most was the "Editor's Notes". The title of the note is Music Matters. The editor, Adam Grundey, expresses his thoughts about how music is perceived in the Middle East and how he thinks it should take more importance in people's lives. He says that music is an "after-thought", "background noise" when it should be part of our society. For music lovers, it's a sad fact but we have the chance to change that and give people a taste of what exactly music does to life. Grundey says: "It's our hope that ROLLING STONE MIDDLE EAST will be the catalyst for increased awareness in the region of the value of music to society, whether it be - as Hugo suggested - an outlet for emotions that otherwise have no outlet, a source of consolation in troubled times, a way of bringing together people from diverse cultures and traditions, or just an excuse to have a blast." Well said! ;) I know this is free publicity for the magazine, but hey, who doesn't like the Rolling Stone!

Now put on some music and enjoy ~

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