Monday, September 27, 2010

The Power of Uploading

I am reading this remarkable book called “The World is Flat”. I know that sounds like an advertisement but I am immersed in it and I am loving to read it as it provides information about how our world has evolved in very radical ways through stages and today, the world has become flat! You are probably wondering what that has to do with my ‘singing’ blog!

There was a chapter in the book about uploading. I didn’t notice that it was called "Uploading" until I reached the end of the chapter where the author, Thomas Friedman, says “There is no better description of the allure of uploading –as opposed to just downloading.” And it’s so true! I was thinking about how music can be uploaded and downloaded for free on the internet that anyone can have any song any time without having to even pay for it as a matter of people sharing music files by uploading them.

I would like to clarify that my opinion on the latter is as follows: I absolutely disagree with people not having to pay for the hard work of others in putting together lyrics, music, and vocals and having to experiment what the best outcome is for the audience to like a song. This is an effort that takes time, patience, discipline, investment, knowledge, and talent and it must be rewarded and appreciated.

However, the thought that remained in my mind and that I would like to speak about is the power of uploading! The book spoke of the free software that is being created by groups of geeks/ scientists/ computer freaks and that is distributed for free to the community. The reason they do that is not just to compete with the big firms that charge money but for the pleasure and satisfaction of seeing their work being used and shared and loved by others. They are glad to be part of the process of CREATION!

I could connect with that when I thought of my first recording that I shared with you on my last post. First of all, I was exhilarated to record it. Second, I was excited to show it to my close surrounding and hear the feedback. Finally, I was thrilled to be able to make it available for everyone to hear on the internet! THE POWER OF UPLOADING. ;)

Also, in that framework, I would like to say that I observed the reaction of people visiting my blog and it seems like they (YOU) are not very interactive. However, I would like to point out that the direction of the world IS shifting towards the other direction. Interaction, sharing, coordination and synchronization are key in our world today and are the way forward. You will not believe it if you know how business is being conducted in all corners of the world 24 hours a day of EVERY time zone. So, we have an infinite steam where people are constantly working between their days and other people’s nights! It’s simply stimulating!

Can you imagine that a musician can be composing music in the US, a lyricist can be writing the lyrics in Europe and the artist can be recording the song in the Middle East? That involves so many people working on different time zones and collaborating together to come out with one output that will eventually reach the rest of the world. Now apply that to all the domains of business present in the world and enjoy looking at the FLAT WORLD! ;)

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