Sunday, December 5, 2010

Feelings ... for Greatness

It's intriguing how certain emotions and incidents that a person experiences can turn into forms of expression. It's impressive how pain... suffering... joy... memories... birth... death can cause one to write, compose music, sing, paint and come out with a piece of art.

As humans, we are emotional beings who act and react to what happens to us or around us. It always amazes me how some moments are divine and irreversible. For example, I wrote a song a while ago when I was in a certain state and it came to me like a thunderbolt. I wasn't too focused on what I was communicating but I read the words a few days later and I had fascinating lyrics jotted down. Sometimes, it seems to me that we are given the inspiration through a state of mind or a state of being. As if one's misery, pain or joy is a stimulant for better expression.

Obviously, this is true and a lot of great poets, painters, singers, composers and artists in general offered the world extraordinary masterpieces because of a mental or emotional state they were in. We are witnesses today of how their work contributed greatly to the world and impacted societies and individuals all over the globe. It's seemingly hard to tell whether one's state will lead him/her to reveal something as great as a symphony by Bach but I am certain that a genuine work of art that reflects the depths of a person's feelings and thoughts will be appreciated and will impact people, whether that is one person or many people.

Every individual makes a huge difference on earth. Nobody is a bystander... even if they think they are. We are all affected by one another. That can easily be noticed when a person passes away or a child is born. A lot of things change for a lot of people. Emotions that were never felt before surface and move us. The way of the world is bewildering sometimes. I can't help but notice...

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