Monday, November 8, 2010

Wedding Performance: "Because you loved me"

Don't you love weddings? I think it's amazing to watch two people get married. What a conviction they must have! :) I don't know about other religions but in Christianity, some verses are read during a wedding ceremony in church and I always feel like I want to get married too! It sounds like such a great adventure (much to the disagreement of  actually married people :)

What about wedding receptions? It's always fun and exciting to see what performances are going to take place, what song are the bride and groom going to dance on, what food is going to be presented? I once sang at a wedding, my cousin's (Sabine's) wedding. Sabine, I send you all my love girl! I remember very well how we prepared for the song before the wedding and how I used to practice in front of her so that she's sure I can sing it, especially that it was going to be the song of the first dance!

 I was young and I had been told several times that I had a beautiful voice by people. It was definitely an experience. I went to the location of the wedding a bit early and I practiced on the stage. A very well known violinist, Jihad Akl, was to be present at the reception and perform. He was to also play the music of the song "Because you loved me" live while I was performing. I was so nervous because I hadn't practiced with him previously.

I had a couple of champagne glasses before the performance and anyone who sings knows how bad drinking  alcohol is for someone who is about to perform!! My throat was dry! So, the time came and I went up to sing. It was very hard to listen to the background music and follow the violin at the same time, especially that we were outdoors. At the beginning, I felt a bit uncomfortable but I ended up performing to the best of my ability. I did well. I thought I could do much better, but I guess that's normal! (Self-critisicm)

A small advice to anyone who is to perform with a live band: Practice with the band/musician before the actual act as you need to make sure you are comfortable with the pace, the loudness of the music, and that you are still able to hear yourself.

I wish I could share the video of the peformance with you but I do not hold a copy of it currently. Maybe on another occassion. I do have pictures though. :)


  1. hayete my gorgeous cousin. First of all good work on this blog, I love the fact that you created this page. GIve us friends, familly and critics a chance to remind you how awsome you are hayete. How can I forget you singing on the most important day of my life, you where glowing with the grgeous blue robe. You where the star of the night, of course right after me the aarous, hehehe. You made it a great first dance song despite the spontaneous violin tune that came out of no where. you still managed it fine and made it beautiful. I can wait to post that video for you to see. post some more music I want to hear the progress I am sure you have made since?
    love you soo much and really miss you

  2. Sabine!! Thank you so much for your support. It means a lot to me. I will definitely post more songs as I move forwars. Singing is my passion, I hope to always be able to share that with you.
    Love always, MM
