Thursday, November 18, 2010

Healthy Competition?

It's amazing how competitive people become in the fine arts; whether we are looking at music, photography, painting, etc. I do not understand why it has to be a constant competition among the artists since everyone has something special to present. The field looks more like an unbalanced sumo tourmanent than a healthy competition.

It always strikes me as a surprise when I meet people who speak so highly of one artist but try to put another down. It does not make sense to me and it makes me think how limited and narrow-minded these people are. And so many are! The beauty of life on earth is that every individual is unique and has the ability to give something special and different to share with the rest of the world. That is how societies develop and people are interconnected.

It's when a person works on what God gave him/her as a gift and shares it with others that the true meaning of life manifests itself. Everyone has a talent that needs to be developed and worked upon. It's enough to have to work on that for a lifetime!

There is no need to break others to make yourself look good. A job well done can be seen even miles away... So, as long as one has something beautiful and original to offer people, there is no need to sacrifice him/her on any alters. Healthy competition that encourages others to give their best is favorable and essential. However, I'd rather have the haters keep their bad intentions, jealousy, envy and spite to themselves.

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