Wednesday, October 20, 2010

A live performance

To begin with, I would like to ask more of you to vote on the poll in the left-hand sidebar. It takes a second and I'm only asking what is your favorite music! Are you not interested to know the results yourselves?!

On another note, yesterday I was at a restaurant, Belgian Cafe, well known for its Belgian fries and beers. So, I was having dinner and it turned out that on Tuesdays a young guy sings there. He had a keyboard on a stand where he played some songs and background music. He also had a guitar that he would use for some other songs. He even had a harmonica attached to a head band so that he could play on his keyboard and on it at the same time! On top of all this, he had to sing... I found that very challenging and very inspiring.

This guy, English I reckon, is a multi-talented person and he was performing outside in the warm,humid weather to people who were having dinner. Many clapped at the end of each song but a lot of others didn't. It's always interesting to me to see the reaction of people towards a person performing. I definitely would find it rude not to show the performer that you respect his/her music and show, however in dinners it's hard to catch all people's attention especially when they are having drinks and chatting.

It was interesting watching this guy perform live. I noticed his breathing, his vocals, his posture, his attention to several things at the same time. It was fun and motivating.

Oh and today I recorded two amazing songs that I will share with you soon. I'll keep those as a surprise! ;)

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