Friday, September 24, 2010

Foolish Games sang by "moi"!

Today, I will be posting the song "Foolish Games" that I sang on my first recording!!! I'm so excited because only a few people in the circle of my close friends and family members heard it. They loved it and I would like to know what you think. :)

Foolish Games - Maya Mady.mp3

(The sound clip can only be heard if you have a Quicktime player. I have struggled to find another way of posting the song, but the format is not accepted on this blog. Sorry for the inconvenience.)

You can now log on to listen to the song.

Last night, I went out clubbing and Erick Morillo (International DJ) was in the club, pumping it up! I just remembered that I attended the VOODOO NIGHTS in PACHA Ibiza this summer where he was performing!

Me in Pacha - Ibiza attending Voodoo Nights by Eric Morillo

I like this type of music although it has no lyrics in it. I react to the music and my body moves... Music is really "under my skin" and sometimes I wonder why not all people feel it too! I guess God has blessed me with more than I can ask for. :)

So, this weekend put on your dancing shoes and go out have fun! Life is too short to worry or be lazy... Verdad?! ;)

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