Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Experience Recording

I was listening to the first song I recorded. The first time I had my voice recorded in a studio, I was sick and I had a cold but I sang anyway. I was too excited to hold back. :)

My choice of song was "Foolish Games" for Jewel. I love songs that show the capacity of the voice but that are also expressive. I don't think one can be an artist and enjoy singing without actually feeling the lyrics or expressing something through the song. So, I came out happy with the fact that I had just recorded a song that turned out to be ok despite the nasal voice!! It was a dream come true... Joy in its purest form! I felt I wanted to stay in this room behind the glass all my life and sing as many times as possible until I had no more energy to stand on my feet. Ecstasy!

For the second recording, I chose a very hard song: "At Last". A blues song which I had trained on. My voice was well trained for the two previous months and I could hear the improvement by then. However, recording is not easy. It doesn't make it easier on you; it makes it much harder as every single sound and vibration that comes out of your mouth can be heard and tracked down!

There are computer programs that the voice is recorded on and then the pieces of the song would be put together for the best parts to be joined together. It's amazing how technology has advanced and what we can do now with the use of the computer programs. It's definitely an experience to try and have fun with. You will realize a lot of things and learn more than you expected! It's also good to listen to your recordings again as you will be able to spot the mistakes and know where to improve next time. ;)

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