Sunday, October 17, 2010

My New Blog

If you are following my blog, you will know that I have been having a problem in uploading the songs that I am recording. In addition to it being a big process for me, you can only listen to the song if you have a Quicktime player. It took me a while to figure out what is the best solution and I went crazy over having to change my blog to one that accepts me to upload music files!

So, after a lot of reflection, mad moments, and trials of many blog sites, I have decided to use Tumblr. To be completely honest, Blogger provides everything one needs and is extremely user friendly. I love it. However, how am I supposed to share my music with you if I can't upload it?! I tried Wordpress which made me want to crash the computer and never use the internet in my life again... The truth is I couldn't find a decent theme!

Anyway, going back to the point, I have opened a new blog with the following URL: I will keep posting on Blogger as it is still my favourite blog site, but you will be able to listen to the songs on tumblr when I post them.

I have also transferred all my previous posts to Tumblr so all of them are documented there. Let me know what you think and if you have any suggestions that might solve my "issue".

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