Saturday, October 30, 2010

The Charts!

Today, I cut my hair. The exciting part is I did it myself!! Yep. It might be a normal occurance for some people but girls tend to usually care a lot for their hair and cut it at a hairdresser. I have always done that. But I've been bothered by it for a while as it has become really long so I decided to trim it a bit myself. Turned out just fine! It was just a crazy and fun first-time experience for me!

On another note, more related to music than hair care, I have the results of the poll that has been on my site for a month now concerning what is your favorite type of music. I have received very modest participation from everyone visiting the site. At any rate, thanks for those who participated and I hope I'll get more enthusiastic browsers next time.

So, the results of the poll came as follows:

Number 1: Latino and Jazz/Blues had the same pecentage. I'm glad Latino made it to number 1 as I love listening to this music. I also expected that Jazz would make it to the top of the list.

Number 2: Trance/Other - some people probably got mad for not finding their favorite type of music mentioned!

Number 3: R'n'B - I think it's one of the popular types of music.

Number 4: Pop, Rock and Alternative all got the same pecentage. I thought Rock would do much better as it's an old genre that the young and older generation connect with.

Number 5: Country

Number 6: Hip Hop and Rap. I didn't get any votes on those.

Share your thoughts on the above and vote on my new poll!

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