Wednesday, October 13, 2010

AUB CHOIR...You hold a dear place in my heart!

During my university years, I was busy studying for my bachelor's degree in Business Administration and the program at the American University of Beirut (AUB) was tough so I had to keep focused on my studies. So, I couldn't exactly include singing as part of my routine. However, I never stopped singing! I practiced at home mostly but I also had the great opportunity of joining the AUB Choir.

The AUB Choir is one of the best choirs in Lebanon in addition to the National Choir of the Lebanese Conservatoire, which the Lebanese take pride in. The AUB Choir holds 2 concerts during the year, the Christmas Concert, which is very popular and the Easter Concert. The choir also participates in the university events like graduation and special gatherings.

On Christmas, the choir holds the most amazing concert to attend. It makes you feel and live the Christmas spirit. The entrance is for free and people from all over the country gather to watch and listen the voices of the talented and trained students.

We used to train all semester on the songs and hymns of the concert. We took things very seriously, especially under the direction of Paul Meers who was a great conductor and teacher. I would like to extend my warmest regards to all those who stood with me on that stage and shared those beautiful moments of exhilaration. I spent 3 years in the university choir, which is as much as I spent at university overall! :)

I have learned a lot about singing, sharing, and harmonizing when I was part of this lovely group. I understood with time the meaning of this collaboration and union. All those voices mingled and created a singularity. One could hear it and feel it. I suppose a lot of people consider it to be a boring form of music and singing but once one starts to appreciate the harmony of the individualities, then one would want to listen to more and get drunk to the melodies.

I consider the choir to have been an important phase of my life as it has impacted me positively in many ways. I am glad to have experienced this and been a part of this talented, artistic ensemble. If you ever have the chance to go and watch the AUB choir live on Christmas, do not think twice. You will be amazed! ( Go early to find places ;)

The AUB Choir performing

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