Monday, November 1, 2010

"S'il Sufisait D'aimer" sang by ME

Today is the 1st of November. I can't believe how quickly the year passed by! It must have been a good one... Well, I wouldn't complain but I hope the coming year brings even more challenges and fulfills more ambitions.

Here's an achievement of mine: a recording I would like to share with you called "S'il Suffisait d'aimer" for my favorite singer Celine Dion. It was not easy to record it. I noticed after several recording trials that French songs have their own specificity and need specific training exercises. The words sound different from English or Spanish. There is an intensity that certain words need and ways to end a phrase or repeat another.

I'm glad to share this song with you today (I know you've been waiting)... A beautiful French song that makes us think of a world where it's enough to just love.

Listen to it on

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