Monday, February 24, 2014


I am in love ... and I've fallen quick and deep for that awesome band that everybody loves: BON JOVI! I was a fan of the popular songs the band released a few years back but I never knew they had an archive of completely mind-blowing records. And having discovered the scope of their work at that point in my life, I can appreciate their music more than ever.

I don't only enjoy their songs but also admire the culture they have created; each and every member's talent, their vocals, their harmony and their passion for what they do. Their music is ecstatic! Written by Bon Jovi and Richie Sambora, most of the band's lyrics are rooted in real life experiences and have the ability to affect every individual in their own way. They speak of love, of disappointments, of society, of life and experiences with an attractive twist to the words and rhythms. I can easily connect to the content of their songs, to the rhythm of their music, to the passion that is reflected all throughout their albums.

I can't get enough of listening to them and for me, it's like everyday a new album is released. Their music makes the radio seem dull sometimes... But that's probably the effect it has on me for the time being. I've grown fond of listening to them and singing along. I made it a point to know all the lyrics and listen to the words and the instruments. This band, these people and whoever is behind them are a revolution in the world of music. They remain together until this day and they continue touring worldwide with the best of their hits; old and new! What energy! What solidarity! What pleasure!

I can only say that the band is amazing and is a big part of my daily life since I was introduced to their music a year ago. I see them as an artistic move that I now belong to. I can only wish to be able to see them perform live very soon and meet them in person to congratulate each and every one of them for their talent and the energy they put to make us feel as good as we do when we listen to them!


Tuesday, January 1, 2013

With open arms...Welcome 2013!

I would like to start by wishing everybody a very Merry Christmas and a Great 2013! Looking back at all the events in 2012 worldwide and on a personal level, it makes me think how amazing life is! We lead our daily lives sometimes with routine, at others with a new perspective, however we all affect the general outcomes. We love, we laugh, we cry, we work, we buy, we go out, we revolt, we change jobs, we travel, we learn, we teach and we do countless of things in a single day; the effects of which we do not completely realize or measure.

Think of all the people you met this year and how you affected them and they affected you; morally, emotionally, physically, materialistically, etc. Think of all the successes you've achieved, the failures you've had to deal with and the things you've learned. Look at the world and how people are evolving, how nature is in constant change and how good and evil are in constant battle. All of this happening on one planet, on a speck of light in the universe... 
It is a time for reflection. That's how people decide on their new year's resolutions... Although it's worth changing those resolutions along the way if need be. Don't forget that every day is a new chance and that every day is a Christmas Day. Every day is a chance for you to pray and sing Hallelujah, to give thanks, to share moments with family, to meet friends, to help others, to rejoice, to repent and to forgive. Life is not easy, time is very precious and our jobs take most of our energy, it's true. But find a way, find a moment to feel alive, outside of your work environment.

On this joyous day, I send you my best wishes of love, success and most importantly health! I do thank God for my successful Lasik eye surgery, which wasn't as easy as people described but effective nonetheless. So, let's welcome 2013 with open arms; I have a feeling it's gonna be great!
I leave you with an inspiring song for a Great start of the year from my beloved Celine Dion: Don't Save It All for Christmas Day. Lyrics are below (please take a moment to read): 

Don't get so busy that you miss
Giving just a little kiss
To the ones you love
Don't even wait a little while
To give them a little smile
A little is enough

How many people are crying
People are dying...
How many people are asking for love

Don't save it all for Christmas Day
Find a way
To give a little love everyday
Don't save it all for Christmas Day
Find your way
Cause holidays have come and gone
But love lives on
If you give on

How could you wait another minute
A hug is warmer when you're in it
And Baby that's a fact
And saying "I love you's" always better
Seasons, reasons, they don't matter
So don't hold back
How many people in this world
So needful in this world
How many people are praying for love

Don't save it all for Christmas Day
Find a way
To give a little love everyday
Don't save it all for Christmas Day
Find your way
Cause holidays have come and gone
But love lives on
If you give on

Let all the children know
Everywhere that they go
Their whole life long
Let them know love

Don't save it all for Christmas Day
Find a way
To give a little love everyday
Don't save it all for Christmas Day
Find your way
Cause holidays have come and gone
But love lives on
If you give on


P.S.: Sharing some pictures I took of the New Year's Eve fireworks at the Burj Khalifa in Dubai! ;)


Friday, November 30, 2012

The Music Institute Recital

It has been a long while since I blogged and I truly apologize for that. It's not easy to lead a life where most of your time, effort and energy are consumed at work and you barely have enough left to get to bed and start another long and hectic day. End of year is a busy period for all marketers and I happen to be one.

On another note, I have great news to share with you! I participated in The Music Institute Recital on ovember 29 which was organized by the institute where I take my vocal lessons. I have been barely making it to the lessons... So, I left work in a hurry on that day and rushed to my house to change my clothes and fix myself. But time is treacherous and rolls by really quickly. I drove to the Marina Mall Promenade where the event was taking place; outdoors. I was late!

I saw my teacher, greeted everyone and was asked to perform as my turn had passed. I hadn't vocalized earlier on so my teacher and I were doing a few exercises quickly on the spot. I could feel it wasn't enough but my confidence took over.

My teacher Ms. Suzan

I went on stage with a lot of excitement and a lot of pleasure to the act that I was doing. I was singing one of my favorite songs "To Love You More" for my all-time favorite singer Celine Dion. The excitement took over and looking at all the people in front of me, I got the thrills. From my perspective, it was beautiful. People were listening to me, waiting to be entertained or listen to something they can appreciate. They had cameras and ipads in their hands to film the happenings. :)


Being a perfectionist, I think I could have done better. The truth is it was a great experience and my first stage performance since 5 years!  So, I'm glad to share this one with you and many more to come. The next recital is around June and I am planning since today! Hope to be able to share with you some recordings from now until then. 

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Video Clips... An art!

I've been listening to songs that are played regularly on the radio so I thought I'd take a look at their videos on youtube (I keep thinking:Youtube, What a revolutionary site!). The songs' lyrics are positive and the rhythms upbeat and they just give me a good feeling; I thought the videos should be cool.

One of those songs is "Dance Again" for Jennifer Lopez ft. Pitbull. The version I watched had the following words at the beginning of the video: "Always Remember... You will live, you will love, you will dance again". Inspiring. I like JLo's dance with her sexy body moving around. The effects in the clip are also cool: the silver glitters, the rotating cube chamber, the ceiling art made of naked people. Novelty for a change.

"Let's go" is another song by Calvin Harris featuring Ne-yo that has quite an interesting subject for its video clip. We go through a day in the life of 3 couples in 3 cities (Rio, Los Angeles, Tokyo) who enjoy each other's company and life by living the moment. I like the part of the song that says " It's not about what you've done, it's about what you're doing. It's all about where you're going no matter where you've been" as what really matter are our decisions that will affect our current and future status. So let's go!

Rihanna's song "Where have you been" has hit the music scene and there's nobody I know who hasn't heard the song or know it or seen its video. I fell in love with the drums and the beats. Rihanna's "nudism" movement is also appealing and she looks radiant in her videos, with all her sexy dance moves. It seems to me her videos always have a touch of mysticism, which I like! The settings of the shoot definitely help set the environment.

As dance songs; I find them quite engaging and upbeat. Just the kind of music you would like to listen to on an night out, in the morning to wake you up or with friends and especially if you have your dancing shoes on. Check out Rihanna's moves; you might learn a thing or two. ;)

Videos are a complimentary art that are becoming a must nowadays with the increase in the demand of the audience and the competitiveness among artists in the music industry. They can help in promoting the song and artist or depreciating them depending on the quality and the projections of the content. Let's hope we see more of the positivism in the videos and songs to come.

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Death... Valued!

Death always brings with it shock,  waves of sadness, memories and a realization. I recently lost a member of my family, my aunt "tante Claire" (God rest her soul in peace) as I like to call her, and I still feel how real and recent her loss is. I remember how quickly the tears rolled one following the other, falling down swiftly and with no permission. I felt sad because I knew I wouldn't see her again. Memories crept into my head and I saw her in her different states; cooking, driving, smoking, visiting us, on the balcony of her house, inviting us to come up. Mostly, though, I remember her beautiful clear blue eyes, her big smile and her frizzy hair! How can I forget?
And then comes the realization that life is so short, that we might be next, that there is no time to waste, that we will never get to live our current moments again and that we must make the best of life!

We, Christians, celebrated Easter at the beginning of April and it was a reminder of our Faith and what we believe in. Jesus Christ has risen. Those were the words of the priest as well in yesterday's mass; which resonated clearly in my ears. His explanation was that God has risen, meaning that we will rise with Him. We believe in resurrection. This is our Hope.

Today is the memory of the Armenian Genocide that took place in 1915 under the hands of the Turks. I did not previously have much information on the historical occurances; however, with the world connected through social and conventional media, I couldn't but notice the attrocities that took place. The pictures portrayed are horrific; especially when we think that the people died through no warfare or battle; but innocently without even having the chance to defend themselves. No comment. No words justify what happened.

I was moved by the song that the French artist, Charles Aznavour, performed on this occasion and would like to share it with you. It is called: "Ils sont tombes" (They have fallen). Maybe we will be able to feel more human through music and the lyrics, which truly touch the soul.

Do not be sad; Rejoice; Christ has Risen!


 Lyrics/ Paroles:

Ils sont tombés sans trop savoir pourquoi
Hommes, femmes et enfants qui ne voulaient que vivre
Avec des gestes lourds comme des hommes ivres
Mutilés, massacrés les yeux ouverts d'effroi
Ils sont tombés en invoquant leur Dieu
Au seuil de leur église ou le pas de leur porte
En troupeaux de désert titubant en cohorte
Terrassés par la soif, la faim, le fer, le feu

Nul n'éleva la voix dans un monde euphorique
Tandis que croupissait un peuple dans son sang
L' Europe découvrait le jazz et sa musique
Les plaintes de trompettes couvraient les cris d'enfants
Ils sont tombés pudiquement sans bruit
Par milliers, par millions, sans que le monde bouge
Devenant un instant minuscules fleurs rouges
Recouverts par un vent de sable et puis d'oubli

Ils sont tombés les yeux pleins de soleil
Comme un oiseau qu'en vol une balle fracasse
Pour mourir n'importe où et sans laisser de traces
Ignorés, oubliés dans leur dernier sommeil
Ils sont tombés en croyant ingénus
Que leurs enfants pourraient continuer leur enfance
Qu'un jour ils fouleraient des terres d'espérance
Dans des pays ouverts d'hommes aux mains tendues

Moi je suis de ce peuple qui dort sans sépulture
Qu'a choisi de mourir sans abdiquer sa foi
Qui n'a jamais baissé la tête sous l'injure
Qui survit malgré tout et qui ne se plaint pas
Ils sont tombés pour entrer dans la nuit
Éternelle des temps au bout de leur courage
La mort les a frappés sans demander leur âge
Puisqu'ils étaient fautifs d'être enfants d'Arménie

Rough translation to English:

They fell without knowing why
Men, women and children who wanted to live
With heavy gestures like drunken men
Mutilated, massacred their eyes open with fear
They fell by invoking their God
The threshold of their church or their doorstep
In herds of desert stumbling in cohort
Overcome by thirst, hunger, iron, fire

No one raised his voice in a world of euphoria
 As a people languishing in his blood
 Europe discovered jazz and music
Complaints of trumpets covered the children's cries
They fell modestly quietly
Thousands, millions, while the world moves
Becoming in an instant tiny red flowers
Covered by a sandstorm and then oblivion

They fell with their eyes full of sunshine
Like a bird in flight shot shatters
To die anywhere and without a trace
Ignored, forgotten in their last sleep
They fell in believing ingenuous
That their children could continue their childhood
One day they would trample the land of hope
In countries open to men of outstretched hands

I am one of the people, who lie sleeping unburied
Have chosen to die without renouncing their faith
Who has never ducked under the insult
Who still survive and do not complain
They fell in the night to enter
Eternal time to the extent of their courage
Death hit them without asking their age
Since they were at fault to be children of Armenia

Friday, March 30, 2012

La7en kheli2... La7en 3eli2!

I've been wanting to blog for a while as I have so many things to share with you; however, work has been taking most of my time, as usual. :) I'd like to start by sharing with you a song that I heard on the radio and that really got my attention. You know when you stop on a new song and you like it from the first time (which means it's good)? Well, that's what happened on that one...

Unfortunately for non-Arabic speakers, they might not be able to appreciate it as much as people who understand Arabic as it's a song by the Lebanese artist Ramy Ayach; however, I am sure that the vocal abilities of the singer can be appreciated by many and the song itself is quite diverse in its rhythms. The song's name is "Ghmorni ta3ish" and is a new release by the artist. I had some difficulty finding it online as I only had a few of the lyrics stuck in my head; but eventually I did. As it is not a dance song, I think it might appeal to many listeners who like to hear a good voice performance and focus on the words of a song.

I must say I was taken by the rendition of the artist, whereby he had full control on his vocals and delivered what I would compare to "Tarab", which is the old style of Arabic singing that "fills people's heads" as expressed in Arabic or that gets one drunk with the music. The lyrics, the composition of the tune and the distribution together come up with a creative combination that gets one addicted to the song!

Can't wait to have you hear it... "Ghmorni ta 3ish" on the below youtube link:

As always, indulge! ;) And let me know what you think!

 Lyrics below:
 كلمات كاترين معوض، ألحان رامي عياش وتوزيع داني حلو
غمرنى تعيش سكني  فيك سكني فيك

غمرنى تعيش حياتي معاك حياتي معاك

غمرنى تعيش سكني  فيك سكني فيك

غمرنى تعيش حياتي معاك حياتي معاك

معاك برتاح معاك ما بخاف

معاك برتاح معاك ما بخاف

وبحبك مثل مجنون مثل رسام عم لونك

وحبك مثل مفتون مثل جبران عم بكتبك

وبحبك مثل مجنون كيف رسام عم لونك

وبحبك مثل مجنون مثل جبران عم بكتبك

مثل نحات مثل عواد مثل دوري مثل دو فا

لحن خلق لحن علق

معاك برتاح معاك ما بخاف

معاك برتاح معاك ما بخاف

وبحبك مثل مجنون مثل رسام عم لونك

وبحبك مثل مفتون مثل جبران عم بكتبك

مثل نحات مثل عواد مثل ياليل مثل ياعين

ياليل ياعين

ياعين ياليل

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

David Guetta at Yas Arena ROCKED!

"I just wanna make you sweat"~ And so that's how David Guetta starts off the night in the Yas Arena in Abu Dhabi this past Friday night! And he does it again... He gives me another night to remember. I have to admit that I love his music and his stage setup with the colorful graphics that keep changing; I find them quite entertaining.

A few weeks back, I was glad to hear that David Guetta will be performing in the Emirates; although I would have preferred if it were in Dubai considering he hadn't performed here for a while. The arena was full and people flowed in from the gates. It was quite a challenge to get through. Mad Jam was on the set for the warm up and he did an amazing job. He's quite an entertainer. You could see him feel the beats and incite the crowd to a dancing sensation.

And then comes the moment when the laser lights turn red and the words "NOTHING BUT THE BEAT" appear on the whole stage. And there slips David Guetta on the podium from among the shades and opens his arms. The stage lights up and the intro beats of the song "Sweat" start playing. The first part of the concert, where Guetta played most of his hits, was exciting and captivating. Then, the music was just about ok to keep us going through the night and; towards the end, people were re-energized and had just about enough energy to reach their cars and homes.

I think what excites me about Guetta is his style that I enjoy listening and dancing to, his really cool attitude, his honesty and his talent. I was watching some of his interviews online and this man is "making" today's music, while enjoying every moment, which for me is something to admire. I still hope to one day collaborate with him... So, stay tuned! Until then, I'll sing till "love takes over"...

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

We will always love you, Whitney Houston...

On the morning of the 12th of February and as I'm driving to work, I hear a song for Whitney Houston on the radio. I remember my surprise when I heard "Run to you", which I kept listening to as it's a song I like and haven't heard for a while. I arrive to the office, I look at my phone and I find the status of one of my friends to be "RIP Whitney". I go online to check it and yes, it is true. Whitney Houston is gone...

At the beginning, I couldn't believe it. It wasn't a probability. She was too young. But then the news was everywhere. I felt touched by the incident; as if she was a person I knew. Well, in some way, I knew her. I knew her songs and grew up singing them; as a matter of fact, the last time I sang at a karaoke, it was "I will always love you" and I was so proud that I could perform a song as hard as that one properly. It has been two days and I'm still thinking of how this amazing artist is no longer going to be among us, making music and singing to the world.

It really is sad to have lost such a talent, a golden voice and a beautiful diva who knew how to reach people and affect them. This connection between a singer and a fan is what makes music such a powerful tool. To be able to enter one's mind and thoughts and affect their emotions and life is supreme.

I can only hope that we learn from Whitney Houston's life experiences; the good and the bad, and remember her with the best of what music industry had to offer. Rest in Peace and may God bless you. On this Valentine evening, I wish you all a Happy Valentine and wish for nothing but love to invade your lives and live within you! :)

I'd like to share with you a link on youtube of the Dubai Water Fountains synchronized to "I Will Always Love You", which I found touching and impressive (I had the goosebumps)! I hope you like it:

Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Sweat it.. With music

You can't imagine my joy when I went to the gym yesterday! It was like coming back to life. My friend asked me: What was so special about going to the gym? The answer is multi-faceted. The routine of dressing up to exercise, charging the i-pod to make sure you have upbeat music to keep you going, taking the elevator up to the last floor in the building, being in the gymnasium and seeing other people work out all make up the experience. I just felt alive.

The best part of being at the gym is having time to think. When I run, I'm not just exercising... I'm transported from my world and into my thoughts. I review my day, my week, sometimes my year. I plan, I remember things that I had forgotten for a while, I see clearly and I think positively. This effect is not just a result of exercising. The music I listen to plays a big role in providing me with this experience. I play songs that develop my effervescent mood and encourage me to keep pushing harder to finish my workout with the goal I had in mind. I never fail to!

The music also reminds me of my friends, the nights outs, places I've been to, people I've met, beautiful times and hard times; which all somehow play a part in boosting my mood or giving me more energy. It's scary sometimes; I feel I'm extremely focused and reaching a state of meditation. I'm not sure if I'm able to transmit the idea properly but I'd love to hear what you have to say about it. Have you ever felt the same?

I can only say that music is truly one of the ingredients of a happy life. I can't imagine one day passing by without listening to my CD in the car on my way to work, the radio on my way back home, my itunes on my laptop, my favorite songs on my ipod and so on. All the stress and anger of the day somehow dissolve.

So, don't be lazy. Put your sneaker on and start running. I hope you reach that state of ecstasy, if I may call it. It's worth the sweat! ;)

P.S.: Don't forget to stretch... with music

Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Merry Christmas Everyone and a Happy New Year 2012!

Joy to the World! The Lord has Come!

It's December 28, 2011. I am at home celebrating Christmas and spending the holidays with my lovely family. We are united once again on this grand occassion, remembering our Saviour's birth, living the joy of knowing that the Lord is among us; here to grant us his never-ending hope and love.

Isn't it just the best season of the year? And during this time, many artists make music and release albums of Christmas songs and Carols. This year, a friend of mine suggested I listen to the new Christmas album of Michael Buble, a talented young Canadian artist. I have to say the album is really a beautiful twist to the traditional songs of great singers past. Buble's voice, his performance and the ensemble of instruments and vocals in every song blend together to give us one of the funkiest and best productions to savor.

Have yourselves a Merry little Christmas and a prosperous New Year 2012! Make the best of every day and live life with lots of faith, perseverance and jubilance.

I leave you with a song to warm your hearts ;) Just click on the link below:


Thursday, December 1, 2011


I'd like to share with you my experience of taking vocal lessons at a music institute here in Dubai. To start with, I'm really glad to have enrolled as I have a reason to be committed to my singing. I learn something new every time and I forget the world for a while. I look forward to my class every week and it gives me joy to exercise my hobby and better my vocal abilities.

The lesson consists of 3 parts; vocal training, theory (the least fun) and singing. My teacher, Susan, is patient but nonetheless pushes me to my limits sometimes, which is what a good teacher does! :) Music might seem simple to a lot of people but that's only because they haven't delved further into it. There's a lot more to music than a rhythm or notes. It can get difficult. However, I tend to see it like any other practice. Take for example driving a car. It's very simple but when you're on a road with cars around you for the first time, attacking you from all sides and directions, you focus on the road and disregard other factors that are as essential in driving. Then, once you're on the road and learn from several mistakes you've done, you don't think anymore, you drive!

So, I'm focusing on my singing for now and enjoying it as much as possible. I love working on the music sheets, noting down my comments, reading the notes and learning terminologies. I also notice my improvement every time I reach a higher note or I sing with an open voice or prepare a harder song. It's fun and pumps me with life and energy even after a long day at work. I can only suggest that you practice your hobbies and do something new and different every once in a while. It's worth it and you never know where it might lead you! ;)

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

RELAX today!

It's the season of weather changes, colds and flu! And I'm a victim! So, I've been sick for the past few days, struggling with the virus. I went to the doctor, waited 2 hours in emergency. Does it still count as an emergency if you're there for two hours?! I wonder. Anyhow, I've been at home for 2 days now to relax and give my body rest as the doctor prescribed. But what's better than music to help the time pass by?

When you stay home because of sickness, you start wondering what are the activities that you could do in order to avoid boredom. Among them, I thought of reading, writing, chatting, "facebooking",eating and listening to music. It seems all of them need some kind of effort except listening to music. Well, "facebooking" is mindless but requires you to stare at a screen so it's quite annoying to the eyes. Music, on the other hand, is intrusive to the ears alone while you can lay in bed and relax! I tried to put my ipod on shuffle though and some of the rock and pop songs played, which got my head spinning. So, it's better to select a few songs or an album that you know will soothe you down. :)

So, if you're in my state, sick or unable to do much but sit in bed, listen to some music. Notice: Don't sing along if your throat is sore! Just close your eyes and enjoy it. Let go of everything for a while and let yourself feel good with doing nothing. I couldn't do that myself because I always thought it was a waste of time; but on the contrary, if you push yourself too hard when you're tired, you will end up getting more sick. Lesson of the day: RELAX today!  ;)

P.S. Get well soon.

Saturday, October 1, 2011

Le Classique!

It's been a while since I've posted but I've been busy traveling, working and spending quality time with family. And life continues here in Dubai... While commuting to work in my car, on my way back home or when cruising in general, I put on channel no.6 on the car radio which is set to a classical music station. I hadn't set it intentionally but when I don't find any good music on the rest of the stations, I end up listening to channel no. 6, which I recently discovered was Abu Dhabi Classic FM.

The station plays classical pieces, opera and jazz music. I listen to it more often now that it got my attention. I enjoy it because it provides me with the right environment to think, to contemplate thoughts and ideas or just to relax. The music that plays gives me a break from life as I know it; from the hip and the hop. In the evening mostly, jazzy songs play and it's a delight to the ears. Being bombarded with commercial and popular music on the radio, in malls and clubs, which I totally enjoy by the way, there is not much place left for other genres like classical and world music to invade my life. So, it's good to change atmosphere sometimes with novelty to our ears.

What is completely impressive is that classical music specifically and music in general is used in the treatment of clinical despression. Studies have proven that the rhythm raises the level of production of Serotonin, a neurotransmitter, in the brain which maintains pleasant feelings. It's like eating something tasty or smelling a beautiful scent. Moreover, music reaches out straight to one's emotions and does not have to be processed rationally by the mind. It is said that music from the baroque and classical periods has more effect on the mind and body than modern music because of its logical composition.

In short, I believe it is true that music enhances one's performance in other areas of life, based on personal experience. I don't know about you but I personally have to have my dose of music everyday. Turn on the radio sometime, you might just find your type of music playing! ;)

Saturday, August 20, 2011

Al Shahroura!

I have been watching the Lebanese TV series, Al Shahroura and I have quite a lot to say. I am sure I will have more to say with every new episode but for now, I will settle with the below.

To start with, Al Shahroura is a TV series broadcasting on television channels during the month of Ramadan in the Middle East. The story revolves around the life of the famous Lebanese singer/actress Sabah, a woman who has become a legend through her artistic career.

Watching the series gave me a feel of how the old times were in Lebanon and Egypt as her travels leaves her torn between the two countries. She faces family problems, personal disappointments and major work-related challenges. At that period of time, men were dominant and women were frail, "silent partners". Sabah was different. She was a rebel. She challenged her father who took her money on her behalf, she had strong convictions in love and suffered greatly from media's criticism.

Through it all, she was strong and stood back on her feet after one too many heartbreaks, several marriages,  2 kids and a series of unfortunate events, such as the death of her mother at her brother's gun and her first husband's forbiddance to see her son. Those events and occurances might be seen as common among celebrities as they receive great attention from the media and live a different lifestyle from people with normal jobs; however I still see this as an exception in the time of Sabah. The Middle East was not as open as the West and society didn't have mercy on anyone who broke the rules. To people, Sabah was a loved actress, nonetheless they could not accept her in their families as a wife to their sons or a mother to her own children.

Tough times were faced by Sabah and yet she survived through it all and today she is 84 years old, may God bless her with many more years of health. "Nicknamed "Shahrourat El Wadi" early in her career, Sabah has earned many more titles over her career (Ostourah , Sabbouha , Shahroura , Shahrourat Libnan ). Over a half century of singing makes Sabah the most recorded Arab singing artist in history with over 3,500 songs on records, cassette, CD, film, and in recording/broadcast studios throughout the world."*

As I was reading in a magazine today about Jennifer Lopez's separation from her husband and her rocketing career and new look, I thought of Sabah as I found the common grounds. Times change but brave and potent women keep making their mark on the world!

A song that I love for Sabah and that I would like you to hear is "Yana Yana". I dedicate it to my sister Nayana who was always associated with this song for its rhyme with her name!
Follow the link to listen to the song on youtube:

* Yahoo Groups:

Wednesday, August 3, 2011


I've been really busy lately with work; however the novelty in my life is driving. I got a rental car for a start to get used to the roads and while waiting to find the car I want to buy. Driving is not a game! I am fully aware of that and I consider myself to be a cautious driver, alert at all times and careful from others' reckless driving. However, we are all prone to do mistakes and the smallest of them can cost us a lot.

A few days ago, I was going out of the mall heading toward my house when a beautiful song played on the radio. I turned the volume up and became a bit more enthusiastic than I should've, I suppose. The car twisted slightly as I adjusted it at a bend as the speed got higher. It was only a split of a second; but that moment really got to me.

Music is definitely something to enjoy while driving, however it could become a distraction and sometimes cause one to lose complete focus and control on the car if too loud. Please be careful while driving; i.e.: don't dance :P , don't deafen yourself with loud music, don't drink alcohol, don't speak on the phone, don't message, don't bbm, don't speed up, don't get too excited over anything to avoid losing control of the car.
Enjoy driving, there's nothing too urgent (unless you're an ambulance)! Your life is worth a lot more than to lay it down for some jerk to take it away from you and break the hearts of your loved ones, for a silly mistake or crazy ride.

My post today was also inspired by the campaign "Taxi Night" that an active organization for the awareness of road safety in Lebanon "Kunhadi" did last night. My sister told me about it as she was going out to Skybar, a nightclub in Lebanon.The concept was to arrive and leave to and from the club by taxi; no cars allowed! The idea is really creative and helps a lot in spreading the intended message.

So enjoy your ride, your music, your night out and DRIVE RESPONSIBLY!

Friday, July 15, 2011

It's a "Beautiful" Summer!

Hello World!! It's been a while since I've posted but as usual, I was quite busy with life ;) So, here I am, back in my 22nd floor Dubai apartment sipping on my "Arpeggio" Nespresso cup and blogging again. I had an interesting week as I was in Lebanon for work last week. I didn't realize it was summer until I actually arrived to Lebanon and felt the warm breeze and saw the tourists starting to arrive! And I've got so much to share with you.

I would like to share some of what I experienced during that week as it wasn't only work; I took a few days for a small vacation! :D As I went out clubbing to the capital's most enthralling nightclubs, I enjoyed dancing to the latest hits like "On the Floor" Jennifer Lopez ft. Pitbull, Mr. Saxobeat Alexandra Stan, Give Me Everything Pitbull ft. Ne-yo only to name a few.

Every time I go to Lebanon, I come back with a CD of the latest and most enjoyable music that I snatch away from my friend. :P We'd listen to the songs in the car and the last day is when I get my treat. This time, however, we changed cars and I had to get the songs from elsewhere. hehe

On another note, I'd like to support my sister's new blog and invite you to visit it at: She chose to be a peace activist and spread the word! She was a contestant in the Miss Lebanon pageant that took place last week and landed as 3rd runner-up which is great considering all the fraud that took place; a common practice in Lebanon that seems to have pitifully reached even the beauty contests! Also, you can visit her facebook fanpage at!/pages/Paloma-Mady/236440353043308.

I'd like to leave you with a song that I really like for the artist Arash ft. Helena "Broken Angel". Arash is an Iranian-Swedish artist. He sings in his mother-tongue Iranian and includes what seems to my ears as Oriental rhythms. You can listen to the song on youtube at the link below:

Enjoy summer!

Saturday, June 25, 2011

Remembering Abba, at "Fete de La Musique"

June 21: Fete de la Musique!!

This music festival and now also World Music Day is a festival that originated in France but soon spread to many other countries and became a worldwide festival! Unfortunately, the UAE is not a country where the Music Festival is popular but I know that Lebanon is where it always takes place! Every year, bands, performers and musicians gather in Beirut to play music all night long... All genres of music are played, from Rock to Jazz to Pop and everyone will find something to enjoy!

In the occassion of Music Day, I would like to share with you the lyrics of the song: The Winner Takes It All by Abba. This classic song is one I really admire and Abba is a band I respect. Let us remember history's most amazing POP band and enjoy its music.

The Winner Takes It All on youtube:

The Winner Takes It All Lyrics:

I don’t wanna talk
About the things we’ve gone through
Though it’s hurting me
Now it’s history
I’ve played all my cards
And that’s what you’ve done too
Nothing more to say
No more ace to play

The winner takes it all
The loser standing small
Beside the victory
That’s her destiny

I was in your arms
Thinking I belonged there
I figured it made sense
Building me a fence
Building me a home
Thinking I’d be strong there
But I was a fool
Playing by the rules

The gods may throw a dice
Their minds as cold as ice
And someone way down here
Loses someone dear
The winner takes it all
The loser has to fall
It’s simple and it’s plain
Why should I complain.

But tell me does she kiss
Like I used to kiss you?
Does it feel the same
When she calls your name?
Somewhere deep inside
You must know I miss you
But what can I say
Rules must be obeyed

The judges will decide
The likes of me abide
Spectators of the show
Always staying low
The game is on again
A lover or a friend
A big thing or a small
The winner takes it all

I don’t wanna talk
If it makes you feel sad
And I understand
You’ve come to shake my hand
I apologize
If it makes you feel bad
Seeing me so tense
No self-confidence
But you see
The winner takes it all
The winner takes it all......

Monday, June 13, 2011


Today is a really special day for me... I finally got my Emirates driving license!! Well, you might think: Big deal, you're not the first one. But you would really be missing the point. I am glad to have the option of driving, the freedom of taking a car and going anywhere I want. I guess that was a feeling I was missing here.

My mood has recently changed because of the thought of how my life can change with a car on hand. So now it's all about choosing the car; my FIRST CAR! :) A "fast car"? A car for "chasing cars"? You must know to which songs I'm referring: Fast Car - Tracy Chapman and Chasing Cars - Snow Patrol. It's amazing how many songs there are about cars! I suppose it's because this means of transportation has meant more to people than its purpose. A car is a personal asset representing the personality of its owner, acting as a second home for someone, becoming a companion along the roads.

I discovered a folk song by Woody Guthrie called "Car Song" on youtube. I like how he makes the sounds of the car with his mouth and sings along. It reminded me somehow of "Old McDonald had a farm" so it's quite melodic. I guess we never stop learning about what's in music! Even cars get songs... It's a great feeling to own a car, hit the road and drive away. Just drive carefully please. :)

Friday, June 3, 2011

Fairuz... In the morning

In the morning, I go to work with colleagues of mine by the time I get my driving license. And every morning, the car radio is tuned in on an Arabic-speaking station: 98.4 FM2. Between 7:00 am and 8:00 am, the station plays songs of Fairuz, the Lebanese singer who is considered to be one of the most famous and respected singers in the Arab World.

Fairuz is a national pride for Lebanon and an admired singer whose songs at heard until today. Her musical career started in the 1960s and her songs are as popular today as they were then. I reckon that is because of the simplicity of the words, the context and the rhythms. The time of Fairuz's songs was different from our time and this explains why people still find the songs so appealing and engaging. They remind them of another period, bring about memories, give an air of simplicity and relaxation. People can associate themselves with them.
The music of  Fairuz's songs, composed by her husband Assi Rahbani is exceptionally appeasing. A real pleasure for people who know how to appreciate it and linger in its charming effect. I admit it is not music I would hear all day but a shot in the morning would feel good to start off the day.

I understand that this Fairuz morning ritual that I am witnessing every morning, except on weekends, is common in several Arab countries: Syria, Iraq, Tunisia, UAE to name a few that I know of. This is also true in Lebanon. My dad used to sometimes listen to Fairuz on the radio while taking me to university in the morning!
I must admit that as a youngster, I didn't understand Fairuz's music and songs. They seemed so dull and uninteresting. With time, I learned how to recognize the value of Fairuz's art, which is part of the Lebanese folklore. What I like most in her is her voice's steadiness. She has a stable tonality, a strong and cohesive voice; at once calm, flowing and beautifully controlled. She goes from octave to another so easily that it seems effortless! I am trying to sing some of her songs, however as I mentioned earlier on my blog, Arabic singing is very different from Western singing as it entails different learning systems. However, singing never knows a limit and I would like to try it all! ;)

P.S.: I leave you with a song for Fairuz that I like most for its meaningful words, pleasant beat and emotional value:

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Oprah's Final Season

I was watching Oprah's show a few days ago and as it's the final season, I couldn't but feel concerned with the fact that she will not be on TV in the regular way that I am used to seeing her in her show. As some singers like Mary-Jay Blige and others recorded a few words for her last season, I remembered all the artists and musicians I watched her host on her show.

I can't but appreciate the work of this strong and passionate woman who gave 25 years of her life to her audience, which could very well be the world! She has given so much of her time, her talent, her love, her contributions and her expertise and I am sure that she got back a lot in return; a life full of experiences! I remember that when I knew Celine Dion was going to appear on Oprah's show 2 years back, I couldn't watch the episode so I asked a friend at a media agency to send it to me... :D

A few days ago, I watched the episode where Celine Dion appeared for the last time on Oprah's show and I got the goosebumps. I learned that Celine is the celebrity who has the most number of appearances on Oprah's show!! Celine spoke about her life with her family of 5 members now that the twins are born and announced her come-back to Las Vegas for a new show that will last for 3 years! I am definitely going to watch her!
It was a real pleasure to watch Celine perform on Oprah's Show for the last time.Oprah has given the world so much to think about, so much to believe in, so much to look forward to. My mom and I would watch her and mom would say: You might some day sing on her show. I guess that won't happen... But that doesn't mean I will not meet her! So, I would like to take this opportunity to congratulate Oprah on her success and on her extraordinary work throughout the years. I wish to see more people like her shake the world upside down and bring about remarkable changes! That could be any one of us... I count on you ;)