Friday, March 30, 2012

La7en kheli2... La7en 3eli2!

I've been wanting to blog for a while as I have so many things to share with you; however, work has been taking most of my time, as usual. :) I'd like to start by sharing with you a song that I heard on the radio and that really got my attention. You know when you stop on a new song and you like it from the first time (which means it's good)? Well, that's what happened on that one...

Unfortunately for non-Arabic speakers, they might not be able to appreciate it as much as people who understand Arabic as it's a song by the Lebanese artist Ramy Ayach; however, I am sure that the vocal abilities of the singer can be appreciated by many and the song itself is quite diverse in its rhythms. The song's name is "Ghmorni ta3ish" and is a new release by the artist. I had some difficulty finding it online as I only had a few of the lyrics stuck in my head; but eventually I did. As it is not a dance song, I think it might appeal to many listeners who like to hear a good voice performance and focus on the words of a song.

I must say I was taken by the rendition of the artist, whereby he had full control on his vocals and delivered what I would compare to "Tarab", which is the old style of Arabic singing that "fills people's heads" as expressed in Arabic or that gets one drunk with the music. The lyrics, the composition of the tune and the distribution together come up with a creative combination that gets one addicted to the song!

Can't wait to have you hear it... "Ghmorni ta 3ish" on the below youtube link:

As always, indulge! ;) And let me know what you think!

 Lyrics below:
 كلمات كاترين معوض، ألحان رامي عياش وتوزيع داني حلو
غمرنى تعيش سكني  فيك سكني فيك

غمرنى تعيش حياتي معاك حياتي معاك

غمرنى تعيش سكني  فيك سكني فيك

غمرنى تعيش حياتي معاك حياتي معاك

معاك برتاح معاك ما بخاف

معاك برتاح معاك ما بخاف

وبحبك مثل مجنون مثل رسام عم لونك

وحبك مثل مفتون مثل جبران عم بكتبك

وبحبك مثل مجنون كيف رسام عم لونك

وبحبك مثل مجنون مثل جبران عم بكتبك

مثل نحات مثل عواد مثل دوري مثل دو فا

لحن خلق لحن علق

معاك برتاح معاك ما بخاف

معاك برتاح معاك ما بخاف

وبحبك مثل مجنون مثل رسام عم لونك

وبحبك مثل مفتون مثل جبران عم بكتبك

مثل نحات مثل عواد مثل ياليل مثل ياعين

ياليل ياعين

ياعين ياليل

1 comment:

  1. i appreciate your taste in caught my attention as soon as i heard it <3 love it....thank you for the lyrics...!!
