Sunday, May 15, 2011

Oprah's Final Season

I was watching Oprah's show a few days ago and as it's the final season, I couldn't but feel concerned with the fact that she will not be on TV in the regular way that I am used to seeing her in her show. As some singers like Mary-Jay Blige and others recorded a few words for her last season, I remembered all the artists and musicians I watched her host on her show.

I can't but appreciate the work of this strong and passionate woman who gave 25 years of her life to her audience, which could very well be the world! She has given so much of her time, her talent, her love, her contributions and her expertise and I am sure that she got back a lot in return; a life full of experiences! I remember that when I knew Celine Dion was going to appear on Oprah's show 2 years back, I couldn't watch the episode so I asked a friend at a media agency to send it to me... :D

A few days ago, I watched the episode where Celine Dion appeared for the last time on Oprah's show and I got the goosebumps. I learned that Celine is the celebrity who has the most number of appearances on Oprah's show!! Celine spoke about her life with her family of 5 members now that the twins are born and announced her come-back to Las Vegas for a new show that will last for 3 years! I am definitely going to watch her!
It was a real pleasure to watch Celine perform on Oprah's Show for the last time.Oprah has given the world so much to think about, so much to believe in, so much to look forward to. My mom and I would watch her and mom would say: You might some day sing on her show. I guess that won't happen... But that doesn't mean I will not meet her! So, I would like to take this opportunity to congratulate Oprah on her success and on her extraordinary work throughout the years. I wish to see more people like her shake the world upside down and bring about remarkable changes! That could be any one of us... I count on you ;)

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