Thursday, December 1, 2011


I'd like to share with you my experience of taking vocal lessons at a music institute here in Dubai. To start with, I'm really glad to have enrolled as I have a reason to be committed to my singing. I learn something new every time and I forget the world for a while. I look forward to my class every week and it gives me joy to exercise my hobby and better my vocal abilities.

The lesson consists of 3 parts; vocal training, theory (the least fun) and singing. My teacher, Susan, is patient but nonetheless pushes me to my limits sometimes, which is what a good teacher does! :) Music might seem simple to a lot of people but that's only because they haven't delved further into it. There's a lot more to music than a rhythm or notes. It can get difficult. However, I tend to see it like any other practice. Take for example driving a car. It's very simple but when you're on a road with cars around you for the first time, attacking you from all sides and directions, you focus on the road and disregard other factors that are as essential in driving. Then, once you're on the road and learn from several mistakes you've done, you don't think anymore, you drive!

So, I'm focusing on my singing for now and enjoying it as much as possible. I love working on the music sheets, noting down my comments, reading the notes and learning terminologies. I also notice my improvement every time I reach a higher note or I sing with an open voice or prepare a harder song. It's fun and pumps me with life and energy even after a long day at work. I can only suggest that you practice your hobbies and do something new and different every once in a while. It's worth it and you never know where it might lead you! ;)

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