Tuesday, October 25, 2011

RELAX today!

It's the season of weather changes, colds and flu! And I'm a victim! So, I've been sick for the past few days, struggling with the virus. I went to the doctor, waited 2 hours in emergency. Does it still count as an emergency if you're there for two hours?! I wonder. Anyhow, I've been at home for 2 days now to relax and give my body rest as the doctor prescribed. But what's better than music to help the time pass by?

When you stay home because of sickness, you start wondering what are the activities that you could do in order to avoid boredom. Among them, I thought of reading, writing, chatting, "facebooking",eating and listening to music. It seems all of them need some kind of effort except listening to music. Well, "facebooking" is mindless but requires you to stare at a screen so it's quite annoying to the eyes. Music, on the other hand, is intrusive to the ears alone while you can lay in bed and relax! I tried to put my ipod on shuffle though and some of the rock and pop songs played, which got my head spinning. So, it's better to select a few songs or an album that you know will soothe you down. :)

So, if you're in my state, sick or unable to do much but sit in bed, listen to some music. Notice: Don't sing along if your throat is sore! Just close your eyes and enjoy it. Let go of everything for a while and let yourself feel good with doing nothing. I couldn't do that myself because I always thought it was a waste of time; but on the contrary, if you push yourself too hard when you're tired, you will end up getting more sick. Lesson of the day: RELAX today!  ;)

P.S. Get well soon.