Tuesday, February 14, 2012

We will always love you, Whitney Houston...

On the morning of the 12th of February and as I'm driving to work, I hear a song for Whitney Houston on the radio. I remember my surprise when I heard "Run to you", which I kept listening to as it's a song I like and haven't heard for a while. I arrive to the office, I look at my phone and I find the status of one of my friends to be "RIP Whitney". I go online to check it and yes, it is true. Whitney Houston is gone...

At the beginning, I couldn't believe it. It wasn't a probability. She was too young. But then the news was everywhere. I felt touched by the incident; as if she was a person I knew. Well, in some way, I knew her. I knew her songs and grew up singing them; as a matter of fact, the last time I sang at a karaoke, it was "I will always love you" and I was so proud that I could perform a song as hard as that one properly. It has been two days and I'm still thinking of how this amazing artist is no longer going to be among us, making music and singing to the world.

It really is sad to have lost such a talent, a golden voice and a beautiful diva who knew how to reach people and affect them. This connection between a singer and a fan is what makes music such a powerful tool. To be able to enter one's mind and thoughts and affect their emotions and life is supreme.

I can only hope that we learn from Whitney Houston's life experiences; the good and the bad, and remember her with the best of what music industry had to offer. Rest in Peace and may God bless you. On this Valentine evening, I wish you all a Happy Valentine and wish for nothing but love to invade your lives and live within you! :)

I'd like to share with you a link on youtube of the Dubai Water Fountains synchronized to "I Will Always Love You", which I found touching and impressive (I had the goosebumps)! I hope you like it:


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