Wednesday, March 7, 2012

David Guetta at Yas Arena ROCKED!

"I just wanna make you sweat"~ And so that's how David Guetta starts off the night in the Yas Arena in Abu Dhabi this past Friday night! And he does it again... He gives me another night to remember. I have to admit that I love his music and his stage setup with the colorful graphics that keep changing; I find them quite entertaining.

A few weeks back, I was glad to hear that David Guetta will be performing in the Emirates; although I would have preferred if it were in Dubai considering he hadn't performed here for a while. The arena was full and people flowed in from the gates. It was quite a challenge to get through. Mad Jam was on the set for the warm up and he did an amazing job. He's quite an entertainer. You could see him feel the beats and incite the crowd to a dancing sensation.

And then comes the moment when the laser lights turn red and the words "NOTHING BUT THE BEAT" appear on the whole stage. And there slips David Guetta on the podium from among the shades and opens his arms. The stage lights up and the intro beats of the song "Sweat" start playing. The first part of the concert, where Guetta played most of his hits, was exciting and captivating. Then, the music was just about ok to keep us going through the night and; towards the end, people were re-energized and had just about enough energy to reach their cars and homes.

I think what excites me about Guetta is his style that I enjoy listening and dancing to, his really cool attitude, his honesty and his talent. I was watching some of his interviews online and this man is "making" today's music, while enjoying every moment, which for me is something to admire. I still hope to one day collaborate with him... So, stay tuned! Until then, I'll sing till "love takes over"...

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