Friday, June 3, 2011

Fairuz... In the morning

In the morning, I go to work with colleagues of mine by the time I get my driving license. And every morning, the car radio is tuned in on an Arabic-speaking station: 98.4 FM2. Between 7:00 am and 8:00 am, the station plays songs of Fairuz, the Lebanese singer who is considered to be one of the most famous and respected singers in the Arab World.

Fairuz is a national pride for Lebanon and an admired singer whose songs at heard until today. Her musical career started in the 1960s and her songs are as popular today as they were then. I reckon that is because of the simplicity of the words, the context and the rhythms. The time of Fairuz's songs was different from our time and this explains why people still find the songs so appealing and engaging. They remind them of another period, bring about memories, give an air of simplicity and relaxation. People can associate themselves with them.
The music of  Fairuz's songs, composed by her husband Assi Rahbani is exceptionally appeasing. A real pleasure for people who know how to appreciate it and linger in its charming effect. I admit it is not music I would hear all day but a shot in the morning would feel good to start off the day.

I understand that this Fairuz morning ritual that I am witnessing every morning, except on weekends, is common in several Arab countries: Syria, Iraq, Tunisia, UAE to name a few that I know of. This is also true in Lebanon. My dad used to sometimes listen to Fairuz on the radio while taking me to university in the morning!
I must admit that as a youngster, I didn't understand Fairuz's music and songs. They seemed so dull and uninteresting. With time, I learned how to recognize the value of Fairuz's art, which is part of the Lebanese folklore. What I like most in her is her voice's steadiness. She has a stable tonality, a strong and cohesive voice; at once calm, flowing and beautifully controlled. She goes from octave to another so easily that it seems effortless! I am trying to sing some of her songs, however as I mentioned earlier on my blog, Arabic singing is very different from Western singing as it entails different learning systems. However, singing never knows a limit and I would like to try it all! ;)

P.S.: I leave you with a song for Fairuz that I like most for its meaningful words, pleasant beat and emotional value:

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