Monday, June 13, 2011


Today is a really special day for me... I finally got my Emirates driving license!! Well, you might think: Big deal, you're not the first one. But you would really be missing the point. I am glad to have the option of driving, the freedom of taking a car and going anywhere I want. I guess that was a feeling I was missing here.

My mood has recently changed because of the thought of how my life can change with a car on hand. So now it's all about choosing the car; my FIRST CAR! :) A "fast car"? A car for "chasing cars"? You must know to which songs I'm referring: Fast Car - Tracy Chapman and Chasing Cars - Snow Patrol. It's amazing how many songs there are about cars! I suppose it's because this means of transportation has meant more to people than its purpose. A car is a personal asset representing the personality of its owner, acting as a second home for someone, becoming a companion along the roads.

I discovered a folk song by Woody Guthrie called "Car Song" on youtube. I like how he makes the sounds of the car with his mouth and sings along. It reminded me somehow of "Old McDonald had a farm" so it's quite melodic. I guess we never stop learning about what's in music! Even cars get songs... It's a great feeling to own a car, hit the road and drive away. Just drive carefully please. :)

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