Sunday, September 19, 2010

The love of my life...

My love for singing would have never been the same without the presence of an extraordinary singer who inspired me and filled my life with songs so beautiful that made me cry, laugh, have the goosebumps, get excited, and feel alive!

Celine Dion is definitely the love of my life... I admire her, her vocals, her personality, her story, her actions and her life. She is not just a singer; I tend to look at her as an icon who gave the world more than just songs; she gave inspiration, love, honesty, and a voice to a lot of those who couldn't express themselves! She is a never-ending source of love. Her songs speak for that but she also represents it.

I have learned a lot from Celine. I have heard almost all her songs, practised most of them and watched her live in concert in Dubai. I can't forget that evening! It was amazing... When she showed up on stage, my legs started to tremble and I felt so excited. I think I sang louder than her that night. I enjoyed every second although I was freezing outside!! :)

I hope that one day, I will get the chance to sing with her. It's a dream and I count on making it come true! ;)

I know that a lot of people don't agree with my opinion and since she is an international star, people tend to dislike her for being so successful! Others don't like her style, and others yet don't like her! The only thing I can say is I can connect with her. And once you feel that with anyone, you will want to nurture this relationship to grow and fill your life with positive things.

I'd like to spread the news to whoever doesn't know yet: She is pregnant with her second child finally! She tried to have her second baby for a long time and God blessed her with a second pregnancy!
Celine performing in Vegas...

Here's a picture of the star of the day and every one of my days! ;)

1 comment:

  1. I love Celine Dion too.
    She is brilliant arist and singer.
    Whatever anyone does or says cant compare to what she did in this world. I definitely agree with the diva.
    You r the best diva. One day you will sing with her i am so sure.

    Who votes yes join me on the subject..

    Lots of love!!
