Thursday, September 9, 2010

An Inspiration

I would like to start by expressing how excited I am to be blogging for the first time ever! :)
I decided to open this blog in the hope of finding common grounds with people who share my passion and love for music and singing, in addition to sharing experiences that will help in developing singing capabilities.

So this first blog will be about something that happened with me yesterday and that I found very exciting and interesting. I was with my sister at home and she decided to listen to one of Anthony Robbins' sessions. Apparently, Anthony Robbins is one of the well-acclaimed self-help mentors and success coaches in the world. I didn't know that until yesterday. I have read a book once by a "self-help" author but his advice only helped temporarily.

Anyway, we went through the sessions which entailed a lot of listening until there was an exercise to do. He asks you to write down the core believes that are stopping you from progressing in life and that are forming an obstacle. One of the things I wrote down was that I always have the feeling I need more vocal practice.
Then, I had to write a statement which defied that belief and my sister helped me come out with it: "One song a day will empower me". I loved it! It's so true and realistic. If I practice one song a day (at least!) then I will become a better singer. One doesn't need to practice for hours every single day. You can progress and see improvement by doing "some" practice every day.

Well, that made me feel better and I definitely will get over this feeling of having to always work harder and do more by doing "something". So, my advice to you for today and every other day: "One song a day will empower you". Keep practicing and sing away!

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