Saturday, September 11, 2010



Today, I was practising on singing some songs for Celine Dion and Christina Aguilera. Two completely different styles but equally hard ones! I probably spent 45 minutes singing but I noticed that it took so much energy from me. When one is trying to get the notes right, focus is very important.

I was concentrated on many things: breathing, posture, tempo, diction, and getting the notes right! At some point, as I was singing the song "Hurt" for Christina Aguilera, I felt a strain in my back. As I was using my diaphragm to sing and control the air pressure, I felt a bit out of breath at some point and that's where my back kind of hurt.

So, I think the best way of correcting that is to do breathing exercises daily to train the diaphragm. That was my vocal teacher's recommendation: to practice every morning and every evening and somewhere in between. So, basically as many times as possible in a day but 3 times should be fine. It sounds like a doctor's prescription but I think I like it! ;)

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