Thursday, September 16, 2010


So, today I'd like to share my passion and love for Latin music and dance.

As I am in the process of learning Spanish (I'm loving it by the way!), I keep looking for ways to learn more words and phrases. Well, I have recently been introduced to a song for Felipe Pelaez, a Colombian singer. The song is called "Lo Tienes Todo" or "You have everything". It's this amazing, lively music combined with very meaningful words... A perfect match.

So, I was enchanted. And now I'm trying to learn the words and understand them at the same time which will take a while considering my Spanish is not developed enough to comprehend it all! Here is the youtube version of the song so make some time to listen to it:

As for my love for Latin music, it started way back to an early age. One of my school performances was "Amor a la Mexicana" for Thalia on one of the field days. I had a BIG sombrero from Mexico that my mom got at the time and as I went into the playground (where I was performing), I said "Hola" and threw the big sombrero towards the audience. It was pretty heavy, I remember! :)

Then I sang the song and performed a dance that my mom and sister helped me choreograph at home. It was a big success. The audience was loving it, which made me happy! You can't imagine the feeling of being in front of an audience who is enjoying looking and listening to you. This mutual experience fills one with more that just joy; a feeling of satisfaction and empowerement.

So, here are some images of the performance. I was around 13 years old. I love looking at those pictures. They show me the energy and drive a teenager has at that age. Lovely memories!

1 comment:

  1. As if it was only yesterday, I still remeber very well how i was involved with every step of the perfomance;the dnce the shoes ,the somberero
    I was very proud of you .In my eyes you were and you will be always a BIG BIG STAR
