Thursday, September 30, 2010

Some performances

To continue building up my portfolio and getting you to know me more, I will share with you today pictures of two performances I have done during my school years.

The first was at the school talent day where I sang with my sister Nayana, "Awesome God", a Christian contemporary song I discovered on a CD that was a tribute to Rich Mullins. My cousin Sabine, who lives in the United States, was in Lebanon for Christmas and she gathered us to make a chorus and sing "Awesome God" with her as it was a beautiful hymn!

On another talent day at school, I sang the famous "FAME" song and it was an amazing experience. As I went on stage, I performed a cartwheel and I took the microphone from the ground and started singing. Of course, I moved a lot as I had also choreographed a small performance with mom and sis at home! :)
As the song was finishing and the chorus shouted out the last "FAME", I did a split and the audience went crazy!!! I loved it... The audience loved it... I was happy to make them happy. The background of my aerobics moves goes back to my young years at school. I loved aeorbics class and I learned a lot including the cartwheel but the split, I did that on my own! ;) And it hurt like hell every day until I finally succeeded in doing it.

So, that's my story. Share yours with me!

Monday, September 27, 2010

The Power of Uploading

I am reading this remarkable book called “The World is Flat”. I know that sounds like an advertisement but I am immersed in it and I am loving to read it as it provides information about how our world has evolved in very radical ways through stages and today, the world has become flat! You are probably wondering what that has to do with my ‘singing’ blog!

There was a chapter in the book about uploading. I didn’t notice that it was called "Uploading" until I reached the end of the chapter where the author, Thomas Friedman, says “There is no better description of the allure of uploading –as opposed to just downloading.” And it’s so true! I was thinking about how music can be uploaded and downloaded for free on the internet that anyone can have any song any time without having to even pay for it as a matter of people sharing music files by uploading them.

I would like to clarify that my opinion on the latter is as follows: I absolutely disagree with people not having to pay for the hard work of others in putting together lyrics, music, and vocals and having to experiment what the best outcome is for the audience to like a song. This is an effort that takes time, patience, discipline, investment, knowledge, and talent and it must be rewarded and appreciated.

However, the thought that remained in my mind and that I would like to speak about is the power of uploading! The book spoke of the free software that is being created by groups of geeks/ scientists/ computer freaks and that is distributed for free to the community. The reason they do that is not just to compete with the big firms that charge money but for the pleasure and satisfaction of seeing their work being used and shared and loved by others. They are glad to be part of the process of CREATION!

I could connect with that when I thought of my first recording that I shared with you on my last post. First of all, I was exhilarated to record it. Second, I was excited to show it to my close surrounding and hear the feedback. Finally, I was thrilled to be able to make it available for everyone to hear on the internet! THE POWER OF UPLOADING. ;)

Also, in that framework, I would like to say that I observed the reaction of people visiting my blog and it seems like they (YOU) are not very interactive. However, I would like to point out that the direction of the world IS shifting towards the other direction. Interaction, sharing, coordination and synchronization are key in our world today and are the way forward. You will not believe it if you know how business is being conducted in all corners of the world 24 hours a day of EVERY time zone. So, we have an infinite steam where people are constantly working between their days and other people’s nights! It’s simply stimulating!

Can you imagine that a musician can be composing music in the US, a lyricist can be writing the lyrics in Europe and the artist can be recording the song in the Middle East? That involves so many people working on different time zones and collaborating together to come out with one output that will eventually reach the rest of the world. Now apply that to all the domains of business present in the world and enjoy looking at the FLAT WORLD! ;)

Friday, September 24, 2010

Foolish Games sang by "moi"!

Today, I will be posting the song "Foolish Games" that I sang on my first recording!!! I'm so excited because only a few people in the circle of my close friends and family members heard it. They loved it and I would like to know what you think. :)

Foolish Games - Maya Mady.mp3

(The sound clip can only be heard if you have a Quicktime player. I have struggled to find another way of posting the song, but the format is not accepted on this blog. Sorry for the inconvenience.)

You can now log on to listen to the song.

Last night, I went out clubbing and Erick Morillo (International DJ) was in the club, pumping it up! I just remembered that I attended the VOODOO NIGHTS in PACHA Ibiza this summer where he was performing!

Me in Pacha - Ibiza attending Voodoo Nights by Eric Morillo

I like this type of music although it has no lyrics in it. I react to the music and my body moves... Music is really "under my skin" and sometimes I wonder why not all people feel it too! I guess God has blessed me with more than I can ask for. :)

So, this weekend put on your dancing shoes and go out have fun! Life is too short to worry or be lazy... Verdad?! ;)

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Experience Recording

I was listening to the first song I recorded. The first time I had my voice recorded in a studio, I was sick and I had a cold but I sang anyway. I was too excited to hold back. :)

My choice of song was "Foolish Games" for Jewel. I love songs that show the capacity of the voice but that are also expressive. I don't think one can be an artist and enjoy singing without actually feeling the lyrics or expressing something through the song. So, I came out happy with the fact that I had just recorded a song that turned out to be ok despite the nasal voice!! It was a dream come true... Joy in its purest form! I felt I wanted to stay in this room behind the glass all my life and sing as many times as possible until I had no more energy to stand on my feet. Ecstasy!

For the second recording, I chose a very hard song: "At Last". A blues song which I had trained on. My voice was well trained for the two previous months and I could hear the improvement by then. However, recording is not easy. It doesn't make it easier on you; it makes it much harder as every single sound and vibration that comes out of your mouth can be heard and tracked down!

There are computer programs that the voice is recorded on and then the pieces of the song would be put together for the best parts to be joined together. It's amazing how technology has advanced and what we can do now with the use of the computer programs. It's definitely an experience to try and have fun with. You will realize a lot of things and learn more than you expected! It's also good to listen to your recordings again as you will be able to spot the mistakes and know where to improve next time. ;)

Sunday, September 19, 2010

The love of my life...

My love for singing would have never been the same without the presence of an extraordinary singer who inspired me and filled my life with songs so beautiful that made me cry, laugh, have the goosebumps, get excited, and feel alive!

Celine Dion is definitely the love of my life... I admire her, her vocals, her personality, her story, her actions and her life. She is not just a singer; I tend to look at her as an icon who gave the world more than just songs; she gave inspiration, love, honesty, and a voice to a lot of those who couldn't express themselves! She is a never-ending source of love. Her songs speak for that but she also represents it.

I have learned a lot from Celine. I have heard almost all her songs, practised most of them and watched her live in concert in Dubai. I can't forget that evening! It was amazing... When she showed up on stage, my legs started to tremble and I felt so excited. I think I sang louder than her that night. I enjoyed every second although I was freezing outside!! :)

I hope that one day, I will get the chance to sing with her. It's a dream and I count on making it come true! ;)

I know that a lot of people don't agree with my opinion and since she is an international star, people tend to dislike her for being so successful! Others don't like her style, and others yet don't like her! The only thing I can say is I can connect with her. And once you feel that with anyone, you will want to nurture this relationship to grow and fill your life with positive things.

I'd like to spread the news to whoever doesn't know yet: She is pregnant with her second child finally! She tried to have her second baby for a long time and God blessed her with a second pregnancy!
Celine performing in Vegas...

Here's a picture of the star of the day and every one of my days! ;)

Thursday, September 16, 2010


So, today I'd like to share my passion and love for Latin music and dance.

As I am in the process of learning Spanish (I'm loving it by the way!), I keep looking for ways to learn more words and phrases. Well, I have recently been introduced to a song for Felipe Pelaez, a Colombian singer. The song is called "Lo Tienes Todo" or "You have everything". It's this amazing, lively music combined with very meaningful words... A perfect match.

So, I was enchanted. And now I'm trying to learn the words and understand them at the same time which will take a while considering my Spanish is not developed enough to comprehend it all! Here is the youtube version of the song so make some time to listen to it:

As for my love for Latin music, it started way back to an early age. One of my school performances was "Amor a la Mexicana" for Thalia on one of the field days. I had a BIG sombrero from Mexico that my mom got at the time and as I went into the playground (where I was performing), I said "Hola" and threw the big sombrero towards the audience. It was pretty heavy, I remember! :)

Then I sang the song and performed a dance that my mom and sister helped me choreograph at home. It was a big success. The audience was loving it, which made me happy! You can't imagine the feeling of being in front of an audience who is enjoying looking and listening to you. This mutual experience fills one with more that just joy; a feeling of satisfaction and empowerement.

So, here are some images of the performance. I was around 13 years old. I love looking at those pictures. They show me the energy and drive a teenager has at that age. Lovely memories!

Tuesday, September 14, 2010


Amazing Lyrics - Inna

Dangerous feelings break out my soul
It's just the meaning of being alone
I need you here wherever you are
I need you now to take me so far
I wanna run like the speed of the sound
I was somewhere, I 'm sure you're around
You give me now the meaning of life...

With you I'm feeling alive

Why you're lookin' like that
I'm burning like fire
I wanna be higher
Just let me know
Why you're lookin' like that
You're driving me crazy
You're lookin' amazing

The beginning of the road!

So, today I decided to let you know more about who I am and give you a sneak peek into my early singing performances since I started quite young!

The first time I ever sung in front of an audience is unfortunately not documented. I sung a french song for my favourite childhood figure Dorothee. I lived in France so I used to watch Dorothee club every day.

Anyway, the second time I performed, it was at my school's field day (last day of school). I sung "My Heart Will Go On" the year the Titanic movie was out. I was 12 years old! It was such a hard song but I was convinced that I could do it, only with a karaoke music, no vocals to help me... I must say I did quite well for a kid my age. I now do sing it much better of course.

So, here are images to show you how I looked. I was wearing my mom's long white dress :) which I adore. I was even inspired by Celine Dion! I do consider this day as one that marked my life since it meant a lot to me. I was applauded; I was complimented later by parents and teachers. But what really happened in the backstage was that I cried.

I cried... because of self-criticism! I felt I could do much better. I knew I needed more practise. I knew it was the beginning of a road. But I had no patience and I wanted to mature ahead of my time. That didn't apply to singing alone. I felt that way altogether. Well, I guess it's part of who I am. And I accept it now, trying to live each moment and every day to the fullest. Do so too!

Saturday, September 11, 2010



Today, I was practising on singing some songs for Celine Dion and Christina Aguilera. Two completely different styles but equally hard ones! I probably spent 45 minutes singing but I noticed that it took so much energy from me. When one is trying to get the notes right, focus is very important.

I was concentrated on many things: breathing, posture, tempo, diction, and getting the notes right! At some point, as I was singing the song "Hurt" for Christina Aguilera, I felt a strain in my back. As I was using my diaphragm to sing and control the air pressure, I felt a bit out of breath at some point and that's where my back kind of hurt.

So, I think the best way of correcting that is to do breathing exercises daily to train the diaphragm. That was my vocal teacher's recommendation: to practice every morning and every evening and somewhere in between. So, basically as many times as possible in a day but 3 times should be fine. It sounds like a doctor's prescription but I think I like it! ;)

Thursday, September 9, 2010

An Inspiration

I would like to start by expressing how excited I am to be blogging for the first time ever! :)
I decided to open this blog in the hope of finding common grounds with people who share my passion and love for music and singing, in addition to sharing experiences that will help in developing singing capabilities.

So this first blog will be about something that happened with me yesterday and that I found very exciting and interesting. I was with my sister at home and she decided to listen to one of Anthony Robbins' sessions. Apparently, Anthony Robbins is one of the well-acclaimed self-help mentors and success coaches in the world. I didn't know that until yesterday. I have read a book once by a "self-help" author but his advice only helped temporarily.

Anyway, we went through the sessions which entailed a lot of listening until there was an exercise to do. He asks you to write down the core believes that are stopping you from progressing in life and that are forming an obstacle. One of the things I wrote down was that I always have the feeling I need more vocal practice.
Then, I had to write a statement which defied that belief and my sister helped me come out with it: "One song a day will empower me". I loved it! It's so true and realistic. If I practice one song a day (at least!) then I will become a better singer. One doesn't need to practice for hours every single day. You can progress and see improvement by doing "some" practice every day.

Well, that made me feel better and I definitely will get over this feeling of having to always work harder and do more by doing "something". So, my advice to you for today and every other day: "One song a day will empower you". Keep practicing and sing away!