Monday, May 2, 2011

Beatification of John Paul II!

Today was the beatification of Pope John Paul II at St. Peter's Square in Rome! It was a blessed moment for all Catholics, Polish people, Christians in general and the world altogether... A blessed day to rejoice that a human from among us has reached another phase, one closer to God, confirming and strengthening our hope and faith.

There is hope for every one of us to become a saint. Believe in that and you will attain it. Love is the key to every step that John Paul II had taken. Let us pray for his sainthood and that God may guide us to reach the same and become closer to Him.

In honor of our Pope John Paul II and for the repose of his soul, I invite you to listen to one of the most popular, enigmatic, controversial and amazing pieces of music ever composed: REQUIEM by Mozart. It was Mozart's last masterpiece!

Lord, hear our prayer.

N.B.: I had a dream of someday meeting with the Pope John Paul II personally; but I will not have the chance to. At least, not on this earth. Our meeting will have to wait! ;)  

John Paul II, we love you!

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