Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Uninspired... but invited

I’ve been in a stale situation recently. I’ve been uninspired!
There are several reasons for that, however, it’s not the first time and I’m not the only one… We all go through a period of stagnancy. Mine is an artistic stagnancy. Since I have started my new job, I have had no time for singing, playing the piano, painting or any kind of artistic activity. I haven’t even had the time to blog, which made me think a lot.
It’s actually not that bad to be disconnected for a while because one only comes back with more determination and more drive. I believe every individual who has a hobby or talent in art never actually stops exercising it or going back to it whether that is singing, painting, photography, sculpting, etc. Art is not a course one takes in a school; it is not an activity to just pass the time. It is rather a passion built-in in ones’ system; distilled in one’s blood.  

At least, that’s how it is to me! It's spring time; a time when nature is transforming which seems to me like a perfect metaphor for my situation. So, my plan is to climb my way back to where I left my artistic self… Don’t lose your edge, that little craziness you’ve got in you. There is a time for everything; just hold on to what’s important to you and enjoy it! ;) Today, you are invited to give priority to your art, your passions, your zeal.

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