Friday, April 22, 2011

B-B-Beatboxing... YEAH!

Hi Everyone! So, I come back to you with a lot of energy and motivation...

I'd like to share with you some of the things that I have encountered recently that really made me think about music in a number of ways. Yesterday, I was switching TV stations (something I do rarely these days) and I stopped on MTV Arabia channel. Although the station showcases different programs than the ones in the US and Europe, there are some that are the same like the famous "MADE" program. So, the shy high school girl wanted to be "made" into a beatboxer!!

At first, I thought that it would be really hard to believe that beatboxing could be done by anybody. Then, as I was watching, I tried it myself... It was so cool! At the beginning, I couldn't get one sound correctly. But one time after the other, the sounds I made started to feel right, sound right and fall into place in the beat I was trying to create. So, it turns out that it's as hard as anything else. One just needs to practice. The effort it took to make those sounds though, reminded me of the vocal exercises I do to warm up my voice!! It made so much sense and it was so much fun!

How about you try it yourself! I suggest you listen to a beatboxer on Youtube or the net and try to imitate the boom, tshik, ptst, pouf, pah, etc. and alternate in the frequency and tempo. You'll find it really entertaining and discover you had the ability to do things that you would normally find astounding and weird. You'll also feel your diaphragm move, your breathing increase, and your diction becoming very heavy to form the consonents and vowels of the sounds correctly.

Some people can beatbox, sing and talk at the same time which I consider to be an incredible gift they have. And although it's more generally known that guys beatbox, a lot of girls do it too, a famous one being Butterscotch. Quite an experience... I love beatboxing! ;)

I leave you with something to marvel at, please click on the link below and enjoy:

Butterscotch performing
Rahzel performing

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