Tuesday, October 25, 2011

RELAX today!

It's the season of weather changes, colds and flu! And I'm a victim! So, I've been sick for the past few days, struggling with the virus. I went to the doctor, waited 2 hours in emergency. Does it still count as an emergency if you're there for two hours?! I wonder. Anyhow, I've been at home for 2 days now to relax and give my body rest as the doctor prescribed. But what's better than music to help the time pass by?

When you stay home because of sickness, you start wondering what are the activities that you could do in order to avoid boredom. Among them, I thought of reading, writing, chatting, "facebooking",eating and listening to music. It seems all of them need some kind of effort except listening to music. Well, "facebooking" is mindless but requires you to stare at a screen so it's quite annoying to the eyes. Music, on the other hand, is intrusive to the ears alone while you can lay in bed and relax! I tried to put my ipod on shuffle though and some of the rock and pop songs played, which got my head spinning. So, it's better to select a few songs or an album that you know will soothe you down. :)

So, if you're in my state, sick or unable to do much but sit in bed, listen to some music. Notice: Don't sing along if your throat is sore! Just close your eyes and enjoy it. Let go of everything for a while and let yourself feel good with doing nothing. I couldn't do that myself because I always thought it was a waste of time; but on the contrary, if you push yourself too hard when you're tired, you will end up getting more sick. Lesson of the day: RELAX today!  ;)

P.S. Get well soon.

Saturday, October 1, 2011

Le Classique!

It's been a while since I've posted but I've been busy traveling, working and spending quality time with family. And life continues here in Dubai... While commuting to work in my car, on my way back home or when cruising in general, I put on channel no.6 on the car radio which is set to a classical music station. I hadn't set it intentionally but when I don't find any good music on the rest of the stations, I end up listening to channel no. 6, which I recently discovered was Abu Dhabi Classic FM.

The station plays classical pieces, opera and jazz music. I listen to it more often now that it got my attention. I enjoy it because it provides me with the right environment to think, to contemplate thoughts and ideas or just to relax. The music that plays gives me a break from life as I know it; from the hip and the hop. In the evening mostly, jazzy songs play and it's a delight to the ears. Being bombarded with commercial and popular music on the radio, in malls and clubs, which I totally enjoy by the way, there is not much place left for other genres like classical and world music to invade my life. So, it's good to change atmosphere sometimes with novelty to our ears.

What is completely impressive is that classical music specifically and music in general is used in the treatment of clinical despression. Studies have proven that the rhythm raises the level of production of Serotonin, a neurotransmitter, in the brain which maintains pleasant feelings. It's like eating something tasty or smelling a beautiful scent. Moreover, music reaches out straight to one's emotions and does not have to be processed rationally by the mind. It is said that music from the baroque and classical periods has more effect on the mind and body than modern music because of its logical composition.

In short, I believe it is true that music enhances one's performance in other areas of life, based on personal experience. I don't know about you but I personally have to have my dose of music everyday. Turn on the radio sometime, you might just find your type of music playing! ;)