Sunday, February 20, 2011

Middle East vs. West


Yesterday, I read an article in a well known Lebanese publication contrasting Arabic songs from Lebanon and the Middle East to Western songs. The article basically said that Arabic songs have the same subjects and have no content relevant to the audience who will eventually stop listening to such songs. The article also mentioned that in the Western culture, songs are more memorable and speak of meaningful subjects that portray part of society and that give people a reason to listen to them.

It is very hard for me to speak about the musical scene in this part of the world without some bitterness. I believe music hasn't been given its rights in the Middle East as it has in other parts of the world. I'm sure every region and every country has its own way of understanding, liking and listening to music but the Middle East is quite surprising when one observes it.

Music needs to be heard whether that is to open people's eyes to a situation, make them fall in love, give them a reason to throw a party or listen to delightful rhythms and feel peace and ecstacy. People are exposed to a large variety of music types, whether Arabic or Western, and expect change so quickly that the environment is very competitive. However, what I believe is happening is that artists, lyricists and composers are coming up with whatever is best in time for the release of an album for commercial purposes! In that, I see the point of the article when it says that if artists will keep releasing Arabic songs that have no meaningful content, people will stop listening to them. People in the music industry must stop thinking that everything will work and that the audience is stupid enough to listen to senseless songs!

In the Middle East, I feel that music is still sidelined and its value is not well appreciated. It does not invade our lives as it should. Music is so powerful but its power hasn't been explored and hasn't taken effect in this part of the world. It feels like it still is a weak form of art in this region although there is so much talent to be explored! The Middle East has countless artists who have as much ambition and talent as anyone in the West. I just wish that those people be given the chance and the means to enrich the Middle Eastern and world culture with their art.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Happy Valentine's day!

Saint Valentine's day is a day of celebration; and as some celebrate their love, others prefer to celebrate their independence! ;) There is so much to be said about Valentine's Day knowing that its origin is vague and this feast has developed throughout the centuries!

It all started with St.Valentine who was a Christian priest around the year AD 200 and who secretly wed men who were supposed to serve as unmarried soldiers in the time of Claudius II to women they loved. When the emperor discovered that, he had him killed. Also, it is said that the priest fell in love while he was in prison and sent a letter to his loved one signed "From your Valentine". With time, the feast became a day of love and lovers around the world. This day is so special to some but means little to others. I believe it should mean "something" to everyone.

It's not just a day for lovers. It's a day for love. Who doesn't love somebody? A mother? A child? A friend? A relative? Love is everywhere... And love is simply in YOU! All those songs about love don't only speak of/to lovers but also of the idea of love. Decorations, gifts, cakes, flowers, cards all make Valentine a special day but what would it be without music? Love songs probably account for more than half the repertoire of all songs in the world, which is fantastic. There's nothing that can be expressed better in songs!

I would like to wish everyone a Happy Valentine's Day whether you are with someone or alone; there is no reason whatsoever not to celebrate LOVE! And remember St. Valentine's big heart and fight for the benediction of the love of two people. Let him be our example to constantly get the best out of ourselves and others. I will leave you with a song I admire and believe is right for the occassion: NATURE BOY.


Nature Boy - Nat King Cole
Words by: Eden Ahbez

There was a boy
A very strange enchanted boy
They say he wandered very far, very far
Over land and sea
A little shy
And sad of eye
But very wise
Was he

And then one day
A magic day he came my way
And while we spoke of many things, fools and kings
This he said to me
"The greatest thing
You'll ever learn
Is just to love
And be loved
In return"

"The greatest thing
You'll ever learn
Is just to love
And be loved
In return"

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Karma... Kafe

Last weekend, my friends and I went to a beautiful place in Dubai called "Karma Kafe". It's a restaurant and bar that serves Asian fusion cuisine. Karma Kafe belongs to the creator of the famous Buddha Bar apparently; which explained the interior decoration, the mood and the music.

As I had dinner there, I observed the small buddha statues all over the walls and a large one I was sitting next to. The crimson color was clearly dominant as one enters the place.What I loved the most was the music that was playing. It wasn't too loud nor was it just background music. It was perfect for the ambiance. Many familiar tracks from the Buddha Bar CDs were played and the mood transported me to another world. It was a lovely evening.

Me next to Big Buddha!

The place reminded me of Buddha Bar club in Lebanon although it was quite different. The music however was similar and I thought of how much I like such environments. Chill out and lounge music create a relaxing and pleasant atmosphere that entices one to stay in it for hours without realizing it. It's amazing how music can affect people's experiences! I love to keep discovering such places. I seem to have missed the "Cafe Del Mar" bar when I went to Ibiza last summer but I will surely go back to witness the majestic sunset and listen to the best chill out music! ;)

Monday, February 7, 2011

A World of Music!

I often think of how fortunate I am to be have been exposed to so many types of music during my life. I have lived in France during my childhood where my parents used to listen to French songs especially the oldies for the likes of Jacques Brel, Francis Cabrel, Alain Souchon, Enrico Macias and countless remarkable artists.

In Lebanon, I got introduced to the oriental rhythms and the Arabic songs and artists. A large part of the oriental music is dance music, which makes it greatly enjoyable! Also, the beauty of the Arabic language is that a lot can be expressed in so many ways because of its rich vocabulary. In Arabic music, there are melodic modes, introductions at the beginning of a song, alternations between solo instruments and full ensembles and many other music structures that are specific and that do not exist in other music genres.

Furthermore, what is interesting in the Arabic music scene is that there's a trend whereby composers use Turkish or Greek music to make a song with Arabic lyrics. That is one phenomenon that made people in the Middle East familiar with music from other neighbouring countries and regions. Lebanon is also the best country to be in to enjoy music from all over the Arab world. Artists, composers and singers from Egypt, Syria, Jordan, the UAE and other GCC countries all showcase their works in Lebanon as it is one of the most diverse and dynamic countries in the Middle East where people appreciate music and arts.

As for Latino music, it's probably a big part of my life and always will be. There's no way to fight back the feeling; I am in love with the Spanish rhythms... I've been under this spell for a long time now, since I watched the movie "Dance with me". The latin dances, the music, the songs, the performances, everything had a mark on me. Latin music is sensual and passionate, colorful and expressive, dramatic and warm. It has a way to get to everyone, everywhere in the world.

When I was growing up, there were a lot of popular bands around like the Backstreet Boys, Spice Girls, Westlife,etc. I remember my sister was obsessed with Mariah Carey whose voice I find truly impeccable so we used to listen to her CDs on a daily basis. I personally adored Celine Dion since I first heard her song "Because you loved me". And my mom loved Michael Jackson (May God rest his soul in peace). I listened to his music throughout most of the stages of my life. And now, as the market gets more competitive, more artists are in the American/English music scene and I listen to what appeals to me mostly.

Then comes the amazing house/ trance music that I am addicted to lately as it just pumps me up with so much energy. It has the ability to change my mood, brighten my day, help me endure my workout, give me creative ideas, remind me of good times and simply make me feel alive! I also love Rock bands such as Nickleback, Daughtry, The Script and others.

I cannot forget to mention the famed and monumental lounge/chillout music that transports one to a distinct world of love, ecstasy and spirituality like Buddha Bar compilations by Claude Challe and Cafe del Mar compilations.There are endless forms and genres of music in this world that one has yet to discover. If every country in the world has a specific style of music, then we end up with 195 to enjoy!

I believe what I am trying to say here is that I am glad I had the opportunity to experience all those types of music and many others I haven't mentioned here because they have all taken part in my formation, in making me the person I am today. Everyone must explore the diversity that's around him/her. It's amazing how powerful you will find music to be. It has the power to do so much, create and destroy, in so many different ways. It's important to keep an open mind, an open spirit and an open heart in order to receive the rewards music has to give! It's a world of music out there...