Friday, January 7, 2011

"When I grow up, I want to become a singer"!

As children, we all have a vision of what we want to become when we grow up. We are asked at some point in our lives and we say: "I want to become a doctor", "I want to become a pilot", "I want to become a lawyer just like dad", etc. We have an idea in mind based on what our parents do or what we have seen or been exposed to and that we liked. This might be our first thought of our lives as adults in the future; however most of the times, it's only a first thought and we never become that person because we either grow up to like other things or we forget about our little dreams!

When I was 5, I wanted to become an artist just like Dorothee. I used to live in France when I was young and there was a program on TV called Club Dorothee. I used to watch it with my sister and enjoy the songs, the cartoons, the competitions and every other element of the show. I remember my biggest excitement was when my mom finally decided to take my sister and I to watch Dorothee's concert at Bercy. It was amazing! My eyes were glowing. I was taken by the stage, the performances, the choreography, her voice, the light effects, the show was mind blowing to me, a 5 year-old! I still remember how at the end of the concert, she picked all the flowers from the kids, the mothers, the fathers, her fans!

My sister and I got all the tapes of her concerts back then and we used to watch them and pretend to be her and change our clothes with every song and live the concert every time. We were big fans; we were members of her club "Club Dorothee". I knew I wanted to become an artist; a singer. The story is that I still feel this is what I want to do today. The dream is still alive in me and I am pursuing it.

It's not easy to enter the field of arts as there is not one path to follow to get there but many and there is no real structure. As you can see, a lot of artists have become who they are today in myriads of different ways, each struggling to make it. The will eventually finds the way, with a bit of luck, a plan in mind and a lot of talent, one can make it. ;) It's important for parents to let their children dream but what's even more important is to let them pursue their passion in life and encourage them to do so. I am lucky to have parents who love music and admire my passion for it.I hope you are among those people who love it too and share my love for singing.

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