Sunday, January 16, 2011

SEXY, extravagant BURLESQUE

This weekend, I went to the cinemas and watched BURLESQUE, the movie featuring Christina Aguilera and Cher. I had the wrong impression that it was about the life of Cher acted out by Christina but it turned out to be a totally different story!

I liked BURLESQUE. I like this cabaret kind of performance in first place so I enjoyed watching the musical. I thought the performances were well thought of, beautifully choreographed and the outfits were fabulous. Christina's voice in the songs was as good as always. I really like the quality of her voice, this gentle coarseness that makes her voice unique and different from other singers. I must say though that the girl in the movie didn't look like the Christina Aguilera I know! The features of her face seemed very different from usual.

Cher is also one great artist (of Armenianorigin apparently) whose voice resembles no other. It truly is incomparable and uncommon. It's incredible how her approach to a song and her performance are rare and unusual. I also thought that Cher's body looked amazing! She has long, sexy legs that she shows off in the movie! :)

I was not impressed by the acting in general, however there is no denying that the movie overall made sense and was worth watching. I was entertained by the burlesque, touched by the story and delighted by the voices! It doubtlessly needs some guts to get on stage and perform those sensual shows knowing that millions of people will be watching the movie on big screen. I admire the audacity of all the dancers and the participants in the shows. It was certainly thrilling and exciting! I'm now looking forward to watching a live burlesque!! So, where's the best place to do that? Ideas, anyone? ;)

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