Friday, November 30, 2012

The Music Institute Recital

It has been a long while since I blogged and I truly apologize for that. It's not easy to lead a life where most of your time, effort and energy are consumed at work and you barely have enough left to get to bed and start another long and hectic day. End of year is a busy period for all marketers and I happen to be one.

On another note, I have great news to share with you! I participated in The Music Institute Recital on ovember 29 which was organized by the institute where I take my vocal lessons. I have been barely making it to the lessons... So, I left work in a hurry on that day and rushed to my house to change my clothes and fix myself. But time is treacherous and rolls by really quickly. I drove to the Marina Mall Promenade where the event was taking place; outdoors. I was late!

I saw my teacher, greeted everyone and was asked to perform as my turn had passed. I hadn't vocalized earlier on so my teacher and I were doing a few exercises quickly on the spot. I could feel it wasn't enough but my confidence took over.

My teacher Ms. Suzan

I went on stage with a lot of excitement and a lot of pleasure to the act that I was doing. I was singing one of my favorite songs "To Love You More" for my all-time favorite singer Celine Dion. The excitement took over and looking at all the people in front of me, I got the thrills. From my perspective, it was beautiful. People were listening to me, waiting to be entertained or listen to something they can appreciate. They had cameras and ipads in their hands to film the happenings. :)


Being a perfectionist, I think I could have done better. The truth is it was a great experience and my first stage performance since 5 years!  So, I'm glad to share this one with you and many more to come. The next recital is around June and I am planning since today! Hope to be able to share with you some recordings from now until then.